2018 Bio-Cup (Hosting for Gringat)

Hosting for @Gringat

The 2018 Bio-Cup starts tomorrow!

I’ve been in something of a dark age lately and a lot of you have been very much aware of that and checking on me and everything, so thanks for that. :slight_smile: I’m now staying back with my family for the summer and have access to all my parts. How fortuitous that the Bio-Cup is starting again!

In order to enter, on the 15th of June when the contest actually begins, the theme for the entry round will announced. In order to enter, you must build and post a MOC that follows that theme. The judges do require at least one photo to be on Flickr (which is free to use) and a link to at least 2 more. I for one am probably going to post three on Flickr and have more (plus backtory, etc) here on TTV.

Once everyone has entered, 12 days from the start of the contest the first round will begin, where you will be given an opponent and a theme. The aim of the contest is to eliminate your opponent by beating them in a MOC-off! The last Bio-MOCer standing at the end will be the winner, and there are prizes to be had!

Contest page can be found HERE!