2019: The Golden Age of Heroes (RP Topic)

“I find it insulting that you think I’m dumb enough to go for that.” Brian kept his pistol trained on the ball.


After a moment, Kacie shrugs. She stands again, her hands in her pockets. “I, uh, can’t say I have much experience either. Nice weather, though?”

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He screamed until the drugs set in and released him of his pain… He calmed down saying tiredly,
“He’s coming… the Infection is coming… Cellulitis… burns…”
He went unconscious again, finally getting any rest he needed. His body felt hot as if he was burning up from the inside.

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The EMTs looked amongst themselves, with disturbed expressions on their faces.

Just as Brian said that, another ball would fly right towards the back of his head from behind.

Brian ducks, barely missing it as he rolled to the side.
“I’d rather you actually say something instead of just trying to kill me!”
With one hand, Brian starts playing his flute trying to make everyone who can hear it deathly afraid of him.

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Aqua hid in the box, holding it closed while watching the scene unfold.

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Both balls, as they rested on the floor, would then open up and began to spew a mysterious mist into the air.

Aqua held her mouth and nose, stopping her breathing as she stayed still.

Once his moment came Hawk shot his rifle and the bullet went through the target’s skull. His target was terminated, the politician dead. Hawk made his way to a temporary residence he was assigned. His shot was far enough where he was out of the immediate visible and with his cloak’s technology he would have blended into his surroundings.

Brian stops playing and pulls his coat over his face to stop the gas from getting to it.

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A sinister laughter could be heard all around Brian, seemingly taunting him.

Brian stands silently, being ready for anything that might come his way.

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Suddenly, a knife whistled through the air as it sailed towards Brian from out of the darkness.

Brian sidesteps the knife and fires a shot from his pistol in the direction of where the knife came from.

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He would hear the clang of metal as he did so.

Brian walks forward into the darkness, silently cursing himself for not bringing a flashlight.

Aqua secretly followed him, curious as she prepared for whatever happened here.

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Brian would find a trap that had been put into place ahead of time, a machine which had deployed the knife and shot it at Brian.
Around the warehouse, there were also machines set in place which had deployed the balls.
It seemed that someone had expected them ahead of time, and set the traps in place for Brian or whoever else would have chosen to come to this place.

“Seems boring?” Aqua thought to herself, curious what game this was since judging off his victims he would have had Brian cut off his arm or something by now.

Brian pulls his flute back out and begins playing, using the wisps of light created by it to illuminate the area. He then starts searching for any signs of life.

Freddy got up from the bench.
“Well, we’ve taken up a lot of your time and you probably need to get home. How about we walk you there and we can continue this later?”