2059: Big in Japan (RP Topic)

「Shepherd of Fire」 would have none of that, using its punches to not only transfer massive amounts of force into the gunstick but to also keep it from pointing Akeru.

The gunstick malfunctioned and sparked violently.
Thos screamed angrily, before attempting to latch onto the stand with his manipulator and drain its energy.

The stand ignores the energy leecher, instead focusing on dealing as much to the dalek as possible. Its flurry of destructive punches is accompanied by a continuous shout of “Arerererererere!”

The Dalek’s armor holds up. Thos screeches angrily and powers down.

「Shepherd of Fire」 doesn’t relent and continues to pound away at the Dalek.

The armor continues to hold.
Thos stays motionless.

Void Eater continues down several alleys, watching the people around him, as he travels. He generally keeps from people sights, though rumors of a yokai spread inevitably as he is seen occasionally.

「Shepherd of Fire 」 lights every spot he punches with a non-burning flame, then Akeru gives up and heads towards the a nearby skyscraper.

He might see him slumped against a wall at the far end.

Shouya stayed down where he was. He tried to get up, but pain shot through him as he did, especially in his legs and torso, after that last fight. “Just bruising, I hope.” He muttered to himself.

Thos reactivated and moved over to Shouya.
“Name: Unknown. Status: wounded.” His gunstick sparked.
“Assistance is required.” He asked.

Shouya looked up at him, his helmet still on. “You’re not here to kill me, right?” He asks, exhausted.

Once Akeru got inside the skyscraper he’d head to the roof.

“Negative. Assistance required.” Thos repeated. “Gunstick damaged.”

Once Akeru got to the roof, he’d head to the edge and activate the ability of 「Shepherd of Fire」, instantly pulling on the collection of harmless blue flames burning on Thos’ body. Considering the distance between the two, the force would be very immense and send Thos flying very quickly towards the roof of the skyscraper where Akeru was.

Thos indeed flew, but he activated his repulsors and fought the pulling.

At first the force was immense, and his repulsers did less than nothing. However as he neared Akeru the force would gradually diminish, and an equilibrium would eventually be reached about 5 meters away from the origin of the force.

Emperor Qin cracked his whip, and the terracotta horses leaped high above ross. The wheels of the chariot may have scraped over his face breifly before crashing back down into the street behind him and continuing on its rampage.

Suddenly, a squad of Terracotta soldier rounded the street croner, marching behinf the chariot and in Ross’ direction.

Ross would reach and grab the wheel of the chariot as it flew over him and pull down, possibly even tipping it over and surely stopping it from moving forward with any sort of efficiency.

“Alright. Get over here and I might be able to he-” He started, before he flew off. “…Well then.” He then said in surprise.

Thos screeched and tried to fly back to the ground.