2059: The Dark Reflection

Unexpected looked around himself, seeing the Xalnergy surrounding him. Whoever was attempting to apprehend him was most likely the thing he hated most, a Xir’algath. Unexpected though about the infrastructure of such a shield… there was still a way to be even more unexpected than this imitation of it.

Unexpected chuckles aloud, becoming visible,
“Sensing me by my energy? Interesting, though your imitation of my own being is rather pitiful.”
The shield changed shape to that of a klein bottle, or a hole within a hole. This would let the id escape if the attacker was unable to stop it.

The figure snapped his fingers, and on a whim the sphere was turned inside out and elevated to the 11th dimension as it closed around Unexpected.

Unexpected looks at this shape, it was obvious that this being wasn’t going to let him go so easily… so the unexpected happened. Nothing happened.

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The figured smiled. He shot a bolt of Xalnergy at Unexpected for good measure, sedating him and knocking him unconscious .

The Doors to the bridge of the Dreadnought opened, and through them stepped Old Father Time “How did it go?” enquired Depth Charge at the curiously younger looking man. “Perfect…” he replied “…Thanks to your team’s efforts I feel better than ever. Nevertheless we should proceed with caution… I certainly can’t risk overdoing it.”

O2 wakes up in a hospital bed… everything hurts, his visions seems to be obscured by a thin veil of bandages. He overhears fragments of nurses and doctor’s talking “_…Is that Him? Of course Not! Where did you find him? In the City… near a pile of those things…” however darkness takes him before anything else can happen, and O2 drifts off into sleep.

Beetle finds herself partially buried in rubble, after clawing her way out of the rubble she spies a figure standing a few feet away, they appear femminine and wearing a long black robe; their face is obscured by a porcelain mask and topped with a simple black crown. “Identify yourself!” Beetle barks, a creeping sense of unease “I am a Queen, and member of the Court?” the figure replies, her voice emotionless “What is your purpose?” questions Beetle , slowly forming a chitin blade around her arm, “To make you remember” replies the Queen as she slowly advances. Readying herself Beetle form’s a defensive layer of armour around her body, in response the Queen’s arms slide out from her cloak, her fingers elongate and curve into sharp hooked blades. Beetle steps back instinctively, seeing this opportunity The Queen bolts forward and outstretches her hand (fingers straightening into fine points) and pierces both the armour and Beetle. Though for a few seconds Beetle feels nothing… then a burning pain in her mind, images of herself, Savager’s Corpse, WESD scientists, the Plague Doctors. Her suppressed memories return, crashing like waves in her mind. Then darkness… Beetle’s vision darkens as she collapses to the ground, though a small voice; so distant it’s words are barely audible “Eat! Grow! Survive!” Black Chitin slowly surrounds Beetle’s body and begins to form a large spiralling Cocoon.


Meanwhile elsewhere, Simon suddenly gasped out loud. He felt, he sensed…a disturbance.
It’s her, she’s awoken… I must tell the leader!
Simon immediately sent for Toxin.

The Mummy was sliced in half at the waist by the women’s attack. The pieces fell to the ground, followed shortly afterward by a flurry of some bandages.
Justin looked up at the woman.
“Th-thanks. But I had that situation under control just fine” Justin said to the woman sheepishly.

Voidmaster grinned as he reappeared before Gamemark and the other Dark Heroes, Unexpected’s unconscious body on hand.
“It was too easy.” He bragged as he presented the body to Gamemark. Gamemark cracked a crooked grin.
“Excellent. Now we can finally activate the next phase.”
He then turned to the other Dark Heroes.
“Everyone, pack your bags. We’re going on a little field trip…”

“So what do you guys want to do know?” Mary asked Logan and Sophia.

Suddenly a school bus arrives by the park, out pops Marcus, Janey and their friends, Mark might recognise Marcus

“Who are you?”

The knight leaps up and rams into Oliver with his elbow

“We met on the alien mothership!” Marcus sighs “Basically, we were on an end of year school trip to see Twelth Knight by Shakespeare, when Jake runs out of a portal screaming he’s met you, the school bus crashed into the portal and we were on the alien mothership, Janey told us to scout but Jake had none of that and said hi, he then ran off to meet some Eduardo while we crashed in 2059…”
“Ahem!” Janey orders
“I’m Marcus Adrian Botsleg!” Marcus smiles

Oliver falls to the ground

The knight stoops low to him and extends his hand

Oliver takes it but is very cautious

“Good fight, let’s get your girlfriend.”

“What!?” Ben yells, suddenly a gate opens

In steps a gigantic figure, it’s stature is massive, it’s Mark-452, the Mark McNeil clone! The last living one
“ROAR!” It yells
“Mark calm down!” Oliver yells, it picks Oliver up and throws him

“Well ■■■■…”
The knight springs into action sliding towards their axe while grabbing a handful of sand

“I wanted action, you show me friendship!” Ben spits


“Whatever!” Ben spits “If that were true, the police guy wouldn’t have so desperately wanted the Americans to die!”
Oliver was busy thinking of what their weakness was, Isabel had told him once

No that wasn’t it

Still didn’t feel right

Sand was tossed into the eyes of mark-452

“So you have a plan?”

“Izzy told me once…” Oliver pauses

“Wrong again…” Oliver muttered under his breath