2059: The Invasion

Einhver would look up as the ships arrive, and draw a bow. She’d draw an arrow, which would slowly begin to glow brighter over time.

Carlie, in the basement, notices the shaking. “What now?..” She mutters, heading up out of the basement.

The Mysterious Tower remains completely unaffected by the chaos around it, a steady constant in the churning world around it.

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The Xir’algath poured through all cracks and crevaces, like a living infection upon the multiverse. Entire groups of people were executed at one time.

Mark ran out into the street. “Oh boy, this isn’t good…” he said to himself. Suddenly, he noticed the Xir’algath soldiers approach, and his breath was taken away when he saw that they wore: The Gamemaster’s mask.
“What the hell…?” he said in horror. Richard was also just as surprised.

“Alterations in the timeline have accelerated my timetable.” Malfector growled, before he placed a large, disk shaped device onto one of the walls he scanned. He turned a knob on the arm of the his suit, and quickly repeated this task on numerous places in the hero’s mansion.

Elias looked around.
“Guys… someone explain what’s going on?”

“Beetle, come in.” A voice suddenly said on the comms. “We need you to rendezvous with us immediately at WESD HQ. This may be your most important mission…”

Quickly exiting the mansion, Malfector armed the bombs. He watched as the Mansion shook from the explosions before finally collapsing in on itself.

Einhver continues to hold the bow drawn, charging more energy.

Katrina blinked her eyes open.
She looked down at herself, the armor almost fully dissolved from her body.
“Oh… right.”
She looked around for Bruce, to no avail. “Hm. Where’d he go?”
“There is an alien attack on the city. Bruce said to keep you safe.” Mercy replied.
Katrina stepped out of the bacta tank. “Alien attack? I need to help him!” Katrina said.
“No, he said to keep you safe.”
“The safest I’ll be is by him.” Katrina argued. “Is the suit for me ready?”
“Okay. Can I have it?”
Mercy paused.
“… fine.”
A small mechanical arm brought over an arc reactor. Katrina grabbed it and placed it on her chest, then tapped it twice. A suit folded over her body.
She flew out of the house towards where Bruce was.

Meanwhile, Christine Warren shambled along the sandy shores of her island, delirious and nearly dying of dehydration.
Suddenly, she heard a noise that resembled the chopping of wind in the distance. Christine almost dismissed it, thinking that her fuel-deprived mind was making things up.
But then, she saw it: a sleek black CIA helicopter hovering above the island. A rope ladder was lowered, and several CIA agents dropped down to the ground. “Director warren! Thank god we found you…” An agent said as they helped her walk to the ladder.
“You don’t know how much we need you right now. Our planet is being threatened,. And we need your leadership to help us stop it…”

Christine could only wonder and stare in confusion at what they were saying.
“We’ll explain everything once we get back to HQ.” An agent assured as they climbed into the chopper.


“My god…:” Magnus said as he saw the Xir’algath invade. Magnus flew up to where Einhver was, and pulled out Chaosbreaker. “Hear me, Xir’algath! You shall not harm us or this planet!” he declared as he charged his weapon.

Katrina flew after Bruce.
“Bruce! Bruce!”
Bruce whirled around.
“Katrina? What are you- you need to go back! It’s not safe!”
“It’s not safe out here!” Katrina insisted. “Let me help you!”
An alien leapt at them, and Katrina whirled around, forming a beam construct and blasting at it.
The alien was obliterated.
Bruce sighed. “Fine… Stay by me, though.”
The two flew off towards the center of the city.

Connor and Grace swung towards Mark, Richard, and the others.
“You guys need help?” Connor asked as they landed.

Mark nodded. “I would very much appreciate that!” he said as the Xir’algath began approaching. Richard was still caught off guard by their masks, but tired to get back in the game. A Xir’algath pullet out its large gun and aimed it at the group.

bi’amr min 'iimbiraturiat Xir’algath ، 'awsikum bialaistislam 'aw almuat!” he growled.

“What is he saying?” Justin whispered to Richard. “Hmm, it sounds like they’re speaking Arabic. Hang on, let me translate that…” Richard said as he typed in a few commands on his mask. He then analysed the Xir’algath’s sentence.

“Okay, this guy is saying ‘By order Xir’algath of, he surrendered for dying’.” Richard said. Justin and Mark met him with confused faces. “…I don’t think they speak arabic, Richard.” Mark said.
Suddenly, The Xir’algath blasted at the group with its gun.

Elias yelled, “DUCK!” As he formed a shadow wall. He grunted as the blast hit the wall, but he kept the wall standing.
“Web it!” He yelled at Connor and Grace.
The two web-slingers nodded and began spraying sticky webs at the alien.

Bruce and Katrina soon arrived, the two landed down with a ground pound.
“Alright, we’re here to help.” Bruce announced, looking up. He stood up and dusted himself off. Katrina stood up next to him, scanning the area.

The Xir’algath squirmed around, before suddenly effortlessly breaking from the webbing. He then formed his hand into a blade, stomping towards the group.

Richard then cheered as Bruce and Katrina arrived.
“Now we can really show them what we’re made of!” he said, ejecting a blade from the tip of his blade, and got into his battle stance. Meanwhile, Justin also activated his conduit, sand, swirling around his feet.

Mark looked over at Tempest and O2. “You guys gonna help too?” he asked them as he began to unsheathe his blade and meet it with the Xir’algath’s.

Katrina faced the Xir’algath, a star-shaped construct forming from her back. 6 beams of pure energy erupted from her suit, 5 from the star and one from her arc reactor.

“That’s my girl.” Thought Bruce happily.


Einhver remains silent, keeping the bow drawn.

Eric appears a few feet outside the Tower, looking around at the chaos enveloping the city as the Xir’algath attacked. “This is unexpected.”

As a Xir’algath leaped toward Magnus, he slashed at it with Chaosbreaker, shredding it in half and sending its pieces to the ground below. Soon, another Xir’algath followed. And then another. Magnus began to feel overwhelmed as he fought them of, but nonetheless kept up the effort.

Einhver let him fight them off, instead aiming at one of the ships. She loosed the now brilliantly shining arrow from the greatbow, and a streak flew through the sky towards one of the ships. When it hit a massive sphere of blue energy would appear for a moment, incinerating anything it touches, before it condenses then explodes normally.

Eric waves at one of the Xir’algath. “Hello! Can you tell what this is all about?”

nhun Cir’algath. yjb ealayna masah hdha alkawkab hataa natamakan min sukkan hadhih al’arda!
The Xir’algath grunted at Eric.
(We are the Xir’algath. We must clear this planet so that we may inhabit this territory!)

There would indeed be a bright explosion of light, but when it faded Eihnver would find that she had done practically nothing to the ship, save for leaving a scorch mark. The arrow then fell down to the ground as if Eihnver had only flicked a toothpick at the ship.

Zalas steps on Oliver
“The great Oliver Buckwater, beaten by myself!” He chuckles
“I’m going to say this once…” Oliver stops, he calls Bruce

The Xir’algath faced Katrina, roaring as blades formed over his body and he charged at her.