2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

Jake climbed out of the sand

“Goodbye Ted” He sighed
“Jake” Ted cried “What would Cheryl say?”
“Ted made Cheryl being alive up” Jake sighed “I’m going to god”
“Don’t go!” Harry cried “What would Marcus say?”
“DON’T GO!” Marcus cried, he was covered in tears “Yes I made the Cheryl thing up but, I don’t want you to leave again, I’ve lost so much!”
“Millie can’t lose her grandfathers” Jake sighed, looking at Marcus and Ted
“What do you mean?” Marcus cried
“Your son and Ted’s daughter, she is their child” Jake smiled, then he closed his eyes, and slept forever and always

Katrina smiled.
Suddenly, she gagged and spat.
“I think I swallowed a fly.” She gasped out

Bruce laughed. “Oh my god you didn’t?” he asked.

Ted, Marcus and Harry carried Jake to the cemetry to be buried, he was buried near his parents, Isabel and his children

Katrina chuckled.
“I think I did.”

“Wow…guess no kissing no more.” he evilly teased as soon they would have arrived at the Beach, the weather was indeed beautiful and the sun shined very brightly and warmly.

“Oh, don’t worry. I have mints.”

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“oh…oh my.” he said getting out of the car and stretched.

“This is all your fault!” Marcus spat at Ted and Harry
“NO!” Said Ted “It’s yours, if you could have changed things back…”
“Things will never be like they were in the old days!” Harry yelled “It’s time we led a war for peace”
“NO!” Marcus yelled “We’ve been fighting alongside humans for forever, they are less than us, weaker, we have powers for a reason, I suggest we use them for power”
“You sound like Black Hood” Ted said
“And you sound like Jordan” Harry smirked
“Maybe Black Hood has the right idea!” Marcus smirked “Maybe we are supposed to rule this world!”
“Are you crazy? Black Hood must be destroyed!” Harry yelled
“At what costs?” Ted asked
“AT ALL COSTS!” Harry yelled “If I have to destroy all life to do so, by god I will! If it means going against Jordan, as much as I’d hate it…”
“Hate it?” Sneered Marcus “He will be our slave, the world will be ours!”

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Katrina got out of the car. “Beautiful…” she breathed.

“Indeed very beautiful.” he said. “Now let’s find a good spot and let’s get the rock on.” he cheerfully said walking around looking for a good spot.

Katrina followed him, taking her sandals off as she walked through the sand.

Eventually he founded a spot thankfully the beach already had an umbrella and two beach chairs, because it was a publicly opened beach and there were as well others enjoying the beautiful weather, however not many were there but enough.

“Okay, so this is the place alright.” Bruce said placing his bag on the side of the chair.

Katrna nodded, setting her book and bag down as well.

“So brings good memories, does it?” he asked as he took his ■■■■■ off and pants as he had under his pants he had his swimming trousers and he took his shoes alongside his sucks and placed his clothes into his bag.

“Ah gotta love the fresh air.” he said embracing the air.

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Katrina took off her outer clothes as well, her swimming suit underneath.
“I love this place. I could run in the sand, and swim in the water… I always felt so free.”

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“Well…” Bruce said kneeling taking a bit of sand in his hands. “If you can catch me.” he said as he throw a bit a sand on her.

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Katrina giggled.
“Ooh, you naughty child.” She teased, as the sand hit her leg. She bent down and tossed a bit of sand at Bruce as well.

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“What can I see my mother said I am naughty as they get.” he chuckled as he started to ran when the sand went on him, he did the same again he threw some more sand.
“You can’t touch this.” he said doing some dance moves walking towards the water as he danced.
“Tananan you can’t touch this.”

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“Oh, not that song…” Katrina teased. She ran after him, dodging the sand.

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