2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

Project: Novus, while on a patrol since Runa was still out of town, flies near to the window of the party, peering in. Normally, she would have loved to go to a party like this.

But after that fight, she’d learned that this job isn’t something to be taken lightly and be blown off when she wanted to, and that she needed to take her responsibilities a bit more seriously, especially with Runa miles away at the moment if an emergency arose. She looked in for a second more, then flew off, going back to her duties.

Runa was back at Project: Mars, as he had been for the past few weeks, working almost nonstop. By now, a lot of Project: Meteor had been finished. However, a lot of work and testing still needed to be done before anything could truly happen with it.

Malware approached a large square cut into the ground, housing what seemed to be a giant satellite in the making. “This could be interesting…” He noted to himself, silently approaching. Out of sight of the staff on the project, he neared the satellite, then tapped it, injecting into it some of his code into it for a quick locator and ‘jump point’ for when it was finished. “But more so when it’s done.” He says to himself, smiling wickedly as he darted off, heading back towards the city.

“Yup that’s means more time for you to snuggle me.” he said. “But I think these two weeks have been kinda busy so sorry.”

Katrina shrugged.
“That’s fine. I’ve been keeping busy.”

“Okay,” he said. “You know what I’ve noticed that Catherine didn’t come, how unfortunate.”

Katrina nodded.
“Yeah, she’s been quite busy.”

“Well she does take her job pretty seriously.” he said.

“Definitely. It’s a good quality.”

“Indeed.” he said nodding taking a sip of his drink.

Tempest stayed near the outside of the party. He wasn’t keen on participating in the party.

In contrast Resonate was very active.

Xano opened computer device and booted it up. He programmed a simulation software and now was digitally scanning the Veripium(I think that’s its spelling) alloy, by testing its molecular make up along with several other factors. It would use this data to digitally test the metal safely.

Lyra wanders the streets. She sighs, there was a lot she needed to discuss with her brother, but most importantly she needed to keep him safe. She walks to a News Building, with an application form.

Llillaa Teenuka was still where Runa had left him. He had long given up escaping, but instead reasoned with himself, what he could do once they came…

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A Black, outdated car parked outside of the building. Two men stepped out of it, one holding scanning equipment, the other holding a displacement gun.

“Begin observation of the party goers. District Seventeen has a great interest in these, powered individuals.”

“Acknowledged, beginning proximity scan.” The other replied.

A large armoured car pulled up outside the mansion two men wearing long coats stepped outside and headed up to the front door of the building.

From inside the mansion a loud thumping knock was heard followed by a gruff yet strangely kind voice.

“Police, open up”

Oliver was chatting to Pierce and Millie, (her injuries had been healed) he was drinking Tequila
“Hey Pierce!” Oliver smiled “how long’s it been? Five, ten years? You guys want any Tequila?”
“I don’t drink…” Millie replied
“Ahh, don’t worry, I don’t usually but I s’pose today’s a special occasion!” Oliver smirked

Oliver got out his badge and smiled
“My name is Oliver James Buckwater, FBI Inspector and Government Agent, state the reasons for your presence!”

The two men carefully opened the door and stepped in.
“We’ve had some noise complaints.” Said the larger of the two men, his voice marking him as someone from eastern Europe.
“So we’ve come to give you a little warning and a gift.”
The smaller man opened a wooden box. Inside the box were a collection of medals
“If you could all line up for the ceremony.” said the larger man. On closer inspection his right sleeve could be seen hanging limply

Oliver was a little on edge but did so
“Alright, these men seem nice enough, line up everyone” He said

“спасибі” said the large man “Mule, give the medals to everyone on the list”
Mule gave a medal to Sadie, Mark, Skader, Tempest and Resonate. Yakiv stood in front of Oliver.
“You have quite the task ahead of you, I hope you know that.”
He then turned to Mark
“I heard that you lost someone close to you to Black hood. I understand your pain and I hope that you can recover from the death of…Leadhead was it? I don’t mean to be rude.”
Mule sets a single medal aside and turns to the rest of the party-goers
“This one for O2” He says, clearly not understanding English as well as Yakiv

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“Aah, Yakiv and Mule, I’ve heard a lot about you two, did Agent Rook do well?” Oliver asked

They looked at eachother
“…I have no clue.” Yakiv said after an awkward silence

“Yakiv? Mule?” Millie asked “You guys stood up to Jordan!”
“They WHAT!?” Oliver yelled
“Well, Jordan did break the law!” Millie sighed “He attempted to murder not one, not two but three counter terrorist operatives but refused to kill multiple terrorists”
“Well then, nice to meet you!” Oliver smiled, holding his hand out to shake

OOC:which hand?

OOC: His right hand