2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

Elias nodded and tapped his chin.
“I’m sorry about the way you were collected. I wanted you away from everything else.” he apologized.
“I also felt like you wouldn’t trust me if I approached you in public. I prefer not to take off my mask outdoors.” he explained.
He tapped his chin some more.
“You remind me of my sister. That’s what it was. She… she was killed, along with my parents. It was because of this crazy dude. He was a total wacko.”

Painful memories of the Gamemaster would briefly flood towards Elias and Sadie. His sinister laughter echoed in their ears.

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Elias winced as the memories flowed through his mind.
His family’s death, and his decline into villainy.

“I’m sorry.” Sadie told him “my parents were killed as well. I never knew what happened to my brother but he wasn’t around so I just hope he’s alright.” She told him “and don’t worry about me. This is comfortable compared to done things I’ve been through.” She laughed.

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Elias nodded, his mind reeling.
“That man! At the drug cartel!” he burst out.
“He killed my family.” Elias stood up. He grabbed his mask.

What?" Sadie barely stopped her chair from falling at the sudden outburst.

Mark continued down the halls, keeping his eyes open for any “surprises”.

“I-I had a memory. Of my family. The man! The- the- murderer! He was at the drug cartel, the crazy guy! with the weird clothes!”
Elias paced frantically.
“The-the the…” he struggled to find the name


Mark would come across a large boulder.

Xano walks into his laboratory, inside was a giant glass tube. Red letters were printed onto the glass, and it read Ignotium Energy. Glowing string-like substances float inside the glass tube. They had many colors, blue, purple, yellow, red, and few were green. Some of the yellow were more golden or white and some of the purple were closer to black than the purple. Xano smiled, the sight of the unknown energies brought tears to his eyes and filled him with ideas…oh! so many possibilities,

"of course there’s a boulder…’’ Mark said. He punched the boulder like chris redfield, moving it out of the way as he continued down the path.

There would be two more paths splitting off of the math he was on.

Mark decided to go right.

The wall was fake and he would bump into it.

“Gamemaster?” Sadie looked just as surprised for a second “how old was your sister when this happened? Did they ever find her body?” She started to kinda get why they knew eachother.

Mark groaned in frustration, turning back and going down the left path.

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Elias shrugged.
“I dunno. A little younger than you, I think.”
He connected the dots.
“Wait… are you…?”

Klaw was waiting for mark at the end of the hall, guarding a door. Mark drew his sword, prepared to attack.

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“I think I know what you’re thinking and yes; I feel like I might be your sister.” Sadie was still trying to fully grasp everything but it seemed to line up.

“I was told you’d be around. Here to get your girlfriend back?” Klaw got up, facing mark.

Elias thought for a moment.

“And you’re a shadow walker?”

“Yes though through some hard to explain events my powers kinda mutated. Normally I think I should be a little younger then you.” She told him, smiling.

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