2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

Adam flew to a building. He would need an ally to help explain his diplomatic state… a person does come to his mind…may be…

Xano Miro leaves his underground laboratory and walks around the city. He eventually finds himself at the Nunciam Innovation Co. Building. He flew up and looks for a good window to go through. @Runa

Elias frowned.
“Wh- am I missing something here?”

“He was an absolute demon. You should already know that you don’t want to know everything he had done.” Sadie told him.

An alert pops up on Runa’s mask, which he immediately checks to see a camera feed of the man floating by his company building. He taps on the side of his helmet.

As Catherine wandered the city, her phone rang, which reminded her that she didn’t get Katrina’s number to talk to her later. She answers. “Hello?” She asks.
Get to the building. NOW.” Runa tells her. “We have an emergency.
And with that, Runa hangs up. Dreading the worst, Catherine sprints to the building.

Runa walked towards the edge of the building, ready to fly around and meet Xano, who was likely checking on the side of the building that was actually known to be populated.

“yeah, maybe I shouldn’t have brought that up.”

“The Gamemaster kidnapped Sadie when she was a little girl, when he murdered your family. He raised her as his ‘daughter’, abusing her both physically and mentally. My grandfather was trying to turn her into a weapon. However, Sadie had managed to escape from him” Richard explained to Elias.

Elias growled angrily behind his mask.
He then called the Gamemaster a very rude word.

Xano peers through the windows, seeing people. He considered his odds and decided why the heck not. Of course why not this is the plan, well the only plan. 'Need metal for research, need it for experimentation! Must “borrow”. Must take.

Xano breaks through the window, with guns blazing. He knew if he killed anyone, he would certainly not be forgiven, so every shot was aimed well above their heads.

“It’s fine.” Sadie laughed “though to say I’m well balanced after all that is a lie; I already have a large body count. In fact I love ruining criminals lives to the point they might end their own lives.”

Everyone at their desks or walking around suddenly hit the ground, prepared for the worst.

Runa flew out and around, looking for the hole Xano had made.

Catherine sees the hole in the glass of the building as she approaches, running in and quickly going for the chute to the other building, and to where her suit was.

Elias froze.

Xano wonders why is everyone down. I haven’t. No I have! Or have I? No I am in Control!
Xano barks,
“Take me to where Runa keeps his private projects! Now!”
He hovers above them, guns pointed at their heads.

"anyways, we need to take care of Scrapper. He was the Gamemster’s right-hand man. He has harrassed and attacked me, Mark, and this city.’’ Richard said, glaring at Scrapper.
“you heard the man, attack!” Mark shouted, charging at Scrapper.

“They don’t know where that is.” Runa said, floating outside the building, hands behind his back. “And neither will you.”

Catherine runs quickly, heading for her locker.

Elias blinked.
"Alright, then.
He extended the shadow around Scrapper and formed a wall behind him.

Xano payed no attention to Runa, but was mumbling, which transforms into yelling,
He turns to face Runa,
“NEED IT! Must make the project…PROJECT. I hate Project!”
He was clearly not the well respected man he used to be, barely a shell of what he once was. Xano fires several rounds at Runa,
“Give it to me!”

Runa’s right arm came in front of him, Project: Gardna blocking the shots. “You poor soul.” He mutters. “I warned you.” He flies back slightly, trying to lure Xano away from the building.

Catherine ran to the locker room and took her suit out, changing as quickly as she could.

The Chaotic suit transforms its colors. The lights from inside become a neon blue. Xano shot Runa again, but instead of a bullet and taser shot out, it was both magnetic and prepared with a hook, to stick into its target.

Radix Fulmen

Runa moved to the side and used the forcefield generated by Project: Gardna to block it. However, the magnetic charge did mess with the field slightly, causing it to start to falter. Runa fired a laser at him as he backed up more, trying to get him away from the innocents.

Finally, Catherine was prepared. She put on her helmet and spoke into the radio. “On my way!” She said to Runa.
Good. Be quick!” He tells her as she runs out to the window.

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Xano dodged it. He hovers sideways, limp like a doll.
“Must have it!”
He fires two more tasers at Runa.

OOC: For reference I’m treating the tasers to be a special kind of bullet that is larger and not designed to kill, but designed to act as a taser. Currently there are such experimental bullets in the real world like this and I imagine the technology would be more or less perfected by now.

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Runa cuts engines and falls below where there magnet would attach to his body, the flies back upwards and fires two more, one on each side, and waits out away from the building. “Come fight me out here, so no innocents are harmed.” He tells Xano.

Project: Novus flew out the window, all six of her wings extending, as she flew around, seeing Runa. “Where’s the bad guy?” She asks.
Inside. I'm trying to lure him out. Wait there until you see him outside.” He responds.
“Alright, will do.”