AKA Jonathan Juan (Ask Kahi Anything)

What is you honest opinion on this bat-symbol?

could you pitch your idea for either: (a). Aquaman movie (b). Harley Quinn movie ©. Batman Beyond movie?

are you at all worried about the effect the reshots could have on rogue one?

Reshoots are a very regular thing for all of Hollywood. I have no idea why these rehoots turned into such a massive thing, because VII had reshoots, Civil War had reshoots, the Revenant had reshoots. Chances are they’re fixing some very minor mistakes as always.


They said the reshoots were to make it feel more fun and adventurous and less like a war movie, which disappoints me.

Nope :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m still trying to figure out Harley, because she’s the type of character that can go back and forth when it comes to the table. Honestly, I feel like Margot Robbie will bring the iconic version of the character, and I should probably wait until she does so.

The Joker is ambiguous, as he should be. Like Batman, he has multiple angles to come from: the psychopath, the psychotic, the ridiculous, the mad, the demon, the plotter, the cluemaster, the agent of chaos - all of it ties into the character. Mine would definitely take a lot of the inspiration from the Dark Knight’s Joker and Mark Hamil’s Joker more than anything else.

The tone of the universe when it came to Batman would be very similar to the Arkham games - I feel like they really hit the sweet spot when it came to being very dark, very realistic, but also extremely similar to the comic books and taking a ton of inspiration from them.

I prefer The Last Airbender.

Korra had stellar animation and fights, but there’s definitely some charm missing from the original kids. I really did want to see a moment where Korra channeled Aang like Aang channeled Roku, and he and Toph and Katara and Zuko stood side by side again, just for old times sake.

But the original series had so much going for it. Azula still remains as one of my favorite villains ever, and Zuko had such an amazing arc. I love both of the shows, but Last Airbender steals it for me.

They are heavily in design, always, because Superman and Lex are the cornerstone of the Tomorrowverse.

The phrase “Son of Tomorrow” can apply to both of them and in many ways does apply to both of them.

But Lex is much more of a Knights Templar evil then whatever he’s portrayed as now days. He is very, very willing to cross lines that the heroes won’t, and it’s a matter of debate as if what he does it worth it or not.

  1. Legends of Metru Nui
  2. Web of Shadows
  3. The Legend Reborn
  4. Mask of Light

Ugh, always. I was at my friend’s wedding recently. She’s younger than I am. In my head, she’s getting married really young - except not really. I’m just old. I have friends getting married all over the place.

When she has a kid I’m going to freak.

  1. All it takes is that one Greg sacrifice himself and they the other five can ambush the bear while he eats the one.
  2. I feel like my day has been Johnny Depp. It opened up with a ton of potential and had the ability to go everywhere, but all it took was one “Pirates of the Caribbean”-sized decision to make this day a pale parody of it’s former versatile acting self.
  3. No.

I think it’s alright. I like mine more minimalist, personally.

  1. Tomorrowverse’s “Aquaman” is Kaldur’ahm, who is acting regent of the Seven Houses while Arthur has been disgraced and banished from his kingdom for breaking the magic spell that kept Olympus and Atlantis separate from the mortal world. So basically underwater Game of Thrones.
  2. Harley Quinn’s movie is a hard sell. I don’t think that specific character has, by herself, the chops to carry a movie - but I think a tale about the Batman villains centering around her would be very manageable, fun, and enjoyable. Very big personalities clashing would be just amazing to see onscreen like that.
  3. Batman Beyond is a weird subject because I feel like Damian has stolen the spotlight from Terry and any future subplot would be undermined by the new canon given to the Batman character.


Things get reshot all of the time, but a 40% reshoot because the script wasn’t finished…that really does worry me. I wanted Saving Private Ryan in space, and so hearing that they’re trying to soften it really disheartens me.


Have you redesigned the Flash yet?

Have you redesigned all the Robins, or just Grayson?

I apologize in advance for answering you backwards, but the “Quote Reply” is broken on my end. :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too. I’ve heard though that the actors said it was to reshoot the action scenes, but I’m still worried.

Yeah, not sure why they didn’t stick with Terry instead. It’s not like we don’t have enough Robin’s.

I think (and hope) that the Harley Quinn movie is more of a Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy movie. I think that would work better. And hopefully introduce some LGBT representation into the DCEU.

Yeah, I was trying to emulate some of his gliding poses, as well as the cover of Batman R.I.P.

I’ll probably reshape the sides on LDD.

After It was revealed that Saw Gerrera is in Rogue One, are there any other Clone Wars/The Clone Wars/Rebels characters you’d like to see in the films?

(Answer after you see it) Do you think the BvS Director’s Cut is better than the original?

Which members do you think will get axed off in Suicide Squad and who do you think will replace them? (Those who have seen it have said about 4-5 die by the end, just a rumor though)

Yes. Still working on the costume, but the Flash has seen the most departure from the usual DCU version. Jessica Iris West is a recent graduate in Political Science when she goes to visit her scientist boyfriend Barry Allen in a demonstration for STAR Labs’ interdimensional sensor array. There is a devastating and tragic explosion at the lab. She reappears six months later, supercharged as a conduit between the physical world and the energy that holds the universes together.

All of them, to a degree.

I feel like Damian’s origin and heritage actually make him a much more interesting person than Terry conceptually.

Well, I’m not sure if you should be as excited that the poster-children for LGBT in superhero movies are two psychopath serial killer criminals. Don’t get me wrong - it’s true to the characters, and there’s nothing wrong with representing that onscreen, I’m just saying that I feel like the character’s kind of been co-opted recently. It’s a little odd for me to see Harley Quinn be referred to as a role model nowdays? I see it here and there in TV shows and interviews and whatnot and it’s like… this character was created to be a psycho, and really is kind of a psycho, crazy person in an abusive relationship. She’s a very complex character and I love her, relationships and all; it’s just kind of odd to me that people see her as some sort of anti-hero or role model now.

It’s not bad and I see where the inspiration is coming from. But I feel like there’s too much going on with it and the form just isn’t as recognizable as it could be.

I think Ashoka Tano facing Darth Vader in Rogue One would be really, really fun to see. Quinlan Vos was also seen in Clone Wars, and he’s somewhere out there, I think.

Didn’t really want to know that.

I’m indifferent to the Squad. I like all of the characters because they’re going to be in the movie and the movie looks good. I think if they did it again with more characters, it wouldn’t matter who they were as much. Just seeing villains together helps. It’s a novel concept, not really seen in movies.


Boring question… but what is your favorite toa element and why


  1. *Ahsoka

  2. Quinlan Vos’s fate is unknown.

I think Cad Bane should have a cameo in the Boba Fett movie. I say this because…


Especially because of the jagged angles.

Well, they are not going to stay true 100% to the comics, as evidenced by the near lack of an accent. And I maybe wrong, but I’ve heard that the reason she’s considered a role model now, is because she “left” the Joker, is more of an anti-hero, and because she isn’t a Mary Sue. That last one I find a terrible argument, but I guess I just see her as more of a psychologically broken person trying to fix herself, which is something I can relate to more. Also, I’ve heard some theorize that she is actually pansexual, and that because of Joker’s personality when he manipulated her, she’s still in love with him. Personally I think that could have something to do with it but it’s not a reason I fully agree with.

Have you seen the 1990’s Flash series?

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Aside from Iron man, who is your favorite avenger?

And what is your interpretation of Cyborg?

What’s your favorite Iron Man suit?
(Movie or otherwise)

It’s either Psionics or Magnetism. They are the most powerful. The only reason my own element is plasma is because of my power scheme and because I wanted to do a cool Photoshop effect for my first comic.

Sure, every representation is a little different, and she’s a multi-layered character and her relationship with the Joker is complex. But she did also like killing people for fun, and she isn’t completely a victim either. I’m just a little miffed by seeing her be promoted in so many things, especially like kids cartoons (DC Superhero Girls). Catwoman, to me, feels like a better fit for this character that they’re shaping her to be.

A couple clips here and there.


He’s Pete Ross.

Function or appearance?

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Both, if you don’t mind.

What are the most frustrating qualities you find in people?

Why the Calix? and why “kahi”?

Shouldn’t this be AJA: Ask Jon Anything now?


Or maybe “Ask Jonny Anything” :stuck_out_tongue:

If kahi is jon can i be kahi now? (Shameless RVB references)