An Official Statement Regarding Jon

If Ven leaves I will cry.
If he already did then that sounds like I’m being sarcastic, but I have no idea.


If Meso leaves I will weep.


Me too my friend.

#####He doesn’t make countdowns anymore, but.

Me too

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If Var, Meso, Ven, Exx, Phweph (think I spelled that wrong), Invi, or Takuma leaves I’ll be sad. Wait…

Does this mean Sander 2 will join?

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If Kermit gets fired then I will be really mad.


Who is Kermit?

A cast member. Search all of the people who have the Cast member roll on the boards and you will find him.

Yeah I did that yesterday and I saw him, but he hasn’t posted anything. Has he even been on the podcast or brickfeed?

No. I think he is a joke. I am not sure why though.

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Ok. Thanks

What’s up with people trying to theorize this?

Something may have happened, and we don’t know what. We’re not entitled to knowing, and it’s not our place to make up theories or try and connect bits we want to see connections in.

I don’t really like all the doom and gloom either. TTV isn’t dying, people, I don’t believe it will for a good while. There’s still talented and passionate people running this show and they aren’t going to let their livelihood go that easily.

I give my condolences to the cast for what they’ve gone through making this decision, I can clearly see from their responses this was not an easy task.

Best of luck to all of you in the future!


TTV should leave.

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First Eljay and now this? I’m beginning to become quite concerned.

Edit: Well, I just found out Purple left too, at this rate they’ll need a casting call just to make sure that they have anybody actually on the cast. My only hope now is that the website stays up.


Yes, because Var, Meso, Exx, Invi, Phweff, and Takuma are no where near enough cast members.

I think they’ve got plenty of talent to work with still, I don’t think there’s much to worry about.

I doubt it’ll be closing down any time soon.


After so long I return to TTV and I find that Jon and Eljay left TTV? Wow.
I left just as Prpl was joning so not really bothered by that.
Welp Hopefully I didn’t return just to watch these guys crash and burn.




I think part of the reason their views have been declining is that their format hasn’t really changed that much since 2014.

Well, this is depressing. When Elijay was fired, it came out of nowhere ( tho there was a lot of tension in the podcasts that were release at that point), with Prpl I kinda saw it coming, but Jon? Jon is the last person I would expect to see go.

I wish you all the best of luck I suppose, but I think I’m going to need a few days.


Yeah, that’s not true at all.


TTV will officially disband before EVO 2018
I’m calling it