Arcana: the downfall

Tortwig continued reading in the library. Her thoughts began to start from chemistry to Edward. "Am I ready for a relationship with him? It’d be a challenge, balancing it with the quest. I’ll give it some time. See go it works out… "
She flipped the page of the book and went back to reading.

Frostvin continued his cooking, with Duo’s assistance.

Quadro say by the cart, humming a song to himself. It was tinny and mechanical, but still a song.

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“Its fine, its fine. Really. Pian, please. She’s a good kid. I’m really sorry about this. Melissa, I promise you can trust her. You can trust her.”

Melissa stepped from behind Edward completely, though her expression changed little.

“Say something to her, please.”
He whispered.

“do you like delta?”

“Yeah, he’s nice. And you made him right?”

She nods

“So I guess you can’t be completely bad.”
She admitted.

Edward smiled. This was progress! Slow progress, but progress none the less.

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“So you really took care of my dad for all those years?”
She asked.

With a kind smile she said, “yep.”

Frostvin set the finished dishes aside and began to clean up. He put the ingredients away and started to wash the dishes.

“Alright, well if my dad says your good, then I guess I trust you. Its nice to meet you.”

Pian tries to hug her

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Melissa accepted. Edward was very happy at this.

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Frostvin told Duo, “Alright. We’re finished. Could you get everybody to the table?”
Duo gave an affirmative beep and flew out.
He found Tortwig, and told her. He found Saras, and told him.
He told Oliver.
He searched for Edward.

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Edward was in his personal shrine, and would not be able to be found.

“Hey Melissa, Pian and I need to talk. You can go ahead and go out.”
Edward said.

Melissa said, leaving.

“Pian, there’s something important I need to ask you.”
Edward said in a surprisingly serious tone.

Duo flew around and found Melissa. He showed a hologram of food, and the word, “dinner.”

“Oh good. I’m hungry.”
Melissa said, following the robot.

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Duo led her to the table, which Frostvin had set.

Melissa sat at the table, eager to eat.

Tortwig came in and sat down.

Frostvin began to put plates on the table. There was a pork roast, fresh bread, butter, salad, fruit, and a light soup.
“Where’s everybody else?” He asked.