Arcana: the downfall

“Maybe he’s something wholly unique to his own. Not a god or titan or dragon. He just is.”

“I have a hard time believing that.”

“Honestly I don’t think it matters what he is. What does matter is that we know we can’t trust Lux. We need to enter this carefully.”

“I dunno. Maybe he’s a new enemy?”

“very well, unfortunately we know nothing about what’s happened to Nordum in the past decade.”

“Then we send some scouts into the kingdom ahead of us. I could bring a few extra worker units with us to look for danger before we get there.”

“They could be useful, if they can make it back.”

“The forge workers are made to be especially durable. I’ll modify their programming for scout work and bring them with us.”

“very well.”

“Alpha, go get the Omega batch and bring them here.”

The Automaton saluted and left for the forge.

A few minutes later, Alpha returned. Behind him were six worker units. Their hundreds of small legs marched in a perfect synchronized rhythm.

“Excellent. You six will be getting some upgrades. Oliver, perhaps you could come with me? I’d love for you to see how I work.”



“I only figured I’ve been able to see your profession more than once, Its only about time you see me really express mine.”

“very well.”

Frostvin stretched. “If you don’t mind, I’m gonna head to bed. I can sleep in a corner.”

“It’ll be a little loud while I work. Just a warning.”

“I’ll be fine.”
Frostvin walked into the workshop and created a casing of ice around himself.

Edward entered the work room. Alpha by his side and the workers behind him in single file. He took the first worker and placed on the desk upside down. He opened up the machine and with a great amount of speed and skill, he did his work. Moving wires, replacing and changing certain components, and giving the bot larger optic sensors. Once he was finished, he placed the automaton on the floor and began work on the next.

Oliver watched

Edward worked with an impressive level of precision. By the end completing all six took about 45 minutes to an hour. The six automatons stood side by side, each with a unique marking to tell them apart.

“There. That’s the last one. Say hello to Atlas, Apollo, Hades, Hermes, Thea, and Tethys.”

Each automaton gave a salute as its name was listed.

“I’ve given them a greater intelligence comparable to Alpha or Beta, though their personalities are all about the same. Enhanced information gathering and visual processing, and finally self preservation protocols.”
