Arcana: the downfall

“you’d be more likely to drain your own life beforehand.”


Frostvin nodded, slightly reassured. He held out his hand, where a small ice storm was happening. He brushed it away. Turning to Edward, he asked. “So why is Beta so friendly, but Alpha mostly keeps to itself?”


“Beta was designed to explore and collect data. While Alpha is intended to stay by my side and help me with projects.”


“Huh.” Frostvin looked at Beta, then Alpha. “Interesting.”

“Interesting.” Saras said. “I’ve always found the idea of automatons…interesting.”

“If you think these are impressive, just wait until we get to my lab.”

Frostvin recovers his cold demeanor. “If we ever get there.”

“We will.”

Frostvin raises an eyebrow. “If you say so.”

“I see no reason why we wouldn’t. Its on the way there. Not to mention the resources that will be invaluable in our mission.”

Frostvin shrugged. “I’ll take a good mace or spear, but other than that, I’m good.”

“Can’t you just make those with your magic?”

“I could, but they’d be made of ice and shatter on contact. I’d prefer a metal … or a flail. Flails are really cool.”

“I don’t know if you know this but…ice melts.” Isadau says semi-sarcastically.

“Fine then. If you’re precious ice magic is so useless them why bother studying it?”
Edward replied in an equally snarky tone.

“Just because forming actual weapons isn’t good, doesn’t mean the magic itself is bad. I can freeze an enemy, and do a bunch of stuff you could never do without ice magic.”

“Not useless. Just bad as physical weapons most of the time. For example…” He creates a spike made out of ice in front of his staff’s orb, then hits it at Edward, planning for it to scrape by his arm. “Bad for slicing, good for impaling.”

Edward used one of his mechanical limbs to bat the projectile out of the air before it could hit him.

He said calmly."

“But I’m sure I cold make something that could do better.”

“Simple does the trick! Overdoing it will, well, over-complicate things”
Frostvin forms a small ball of ice and tosses it up and down.

“But how long would that take?” Isadau asks. “I can use my ice powers pretty much on the fly. The longest they take is a couple seconds to charge, and that’s only the very powerful ones.” He said.