Arcana: the downfall

Tortwig turned her back on the angel.
"Why is this happening to me? What is going on? I wish Edward were here… " she thought sadly.


“A story. Something with action and heroes.”
Thetis said excitedely.

“I know, how about the theomachy?” She offers

“That sounds exciting. Sure!”

She pulled a book, seemingly from nowhere, and began reading

Frostvin stood around, waiting for something to happen.

Tortwig turned back to the angel.
“Alright, I want an explanation. And make it good.” She glared at her captor.

Thetis listened eagerly. Paying close attention to ever word.


“Coward…” Tortwig muttered.

After taking a second to recuperate, Eyvris headed down further, towards the direction Tortwig was taken in.

Quadro stumbled, his chest sparking. “E-em-er-ergen-cy s-syst-ems on-l-line.”
The stout robot powered down.

047 grabbed him to make sure he didn’t fall


Frostvin walked deeper into the mine.
He reached the main quarry and say Eyvris’ retreating back, 047 holding Quadro, and a lack of a certain Kitmaj.
“Oi, you!” He yelled at the mercenary. " What’ve you done now?! "

Eyvris turned and glared. “Fought off seven hostile robots and what seemed to be an angel.” He responds. “Now I’m heading deeper to see what they did with the stray.” He turns and goes back to what he was doing.

Frostvin growls and follows Eyvris. “Okay.”

Tortwig was being taken to the capital inside a vehicle of sorts

Oliver looks at the others, “what now?” He asked Saras

Tortwig extended her claws and tried to pick the lock on the chain, if any.

He sighs. “I don’t know. Our best bet is probably keep going. Let’s go find the others first.” He said, heading deeper.

Eyvris looked around at the lack of the attackers, and the assumed path their vehicle took out of the cave. He’s silent.

There was, however it’d take time to pick, and had a great risk of breaking her claw

Oliver nods, following him

Tortwig used precise, careful movements to decrease the risk of breaking her claw.