Arcana: the downfall

look up inkarnate. It’s free and easy to use. Otherwise you could ask me to make it with whatever perameters you want.

IC: Saras looks it over. He points somewhere near the edge of the Winterfall territory and makes a circle with his finger. “Somewhere in that area, I believe.”

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“you wouldn’t think they’d still be there, that’s awfully close.”

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He shrugs. “They might not. It’s been years since I’ve last seen it.”

“I think the mountains would be a strange place to make your home. Then again I live in an underground laboratory, so what do I know.”

“Easy to defend, with only a few paths in not leaving travelers winded from the ascent.” Saras rationalized. “Along with that, it was in a place that didn’t often get visitors. It did, if I recall, but they were few and far between when I was there.”

“it’s hard to live in, but Even harder to be driven from.”

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“Defense and visitors aren’t an issue if no one can find it or even knows it exists. I’m sure lots of travelers walk over my home without them or myself knowing anything about the other.”

“It was one of multiple locations. They built them with the areas and abilities and materials they found.”

“Interesting. The determination and resourcefulness is truly admirable.”

OOC: How long has it been since this started? In game I mean. I feel like night should be coming up soon.

The sun was currently setting

“Well would you look at that. Speaking of camps, I think it’s about time we set up our own.”

“It is. I believe one also was build on an island, but outgrew the island and even has some bits on the water. Could just be hearsay though, I never saw that one myself.” He said. He leaned back. “Yeah, they used to be such a great group of people, with such resourcefulness…” He trailed off. …So what the hell happened.

Isadau raised an eyebrow. “Used to?”

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Upon seeing a spot that seemed appropriate Oliver stopped the cart, does this area look good?" He asked the others

Edward used two robotic appendages to pick and hack at the rocky ground. He was trying to dig through with little success.

“I don’t like it. I can’t sleep without earth over my head.”

“Seems suitable to me.” Jeromy said as he looked around the camp site. Lihem nodded in agreement.

"you could always pray to Flourum to see if he’ll help " suggested Oliver, with a grin. As he said that he got up and began gathering wood


“Oh I bet you think you’re real funny.”

He continued to crack and chip at the rock. Alpha and Beta soon tried to help. Unfortunately the solid stone would not budge, and he gave up. He let out a growl of frustration before turning to the others.

“Anybody got an extra tent?”

Isadau kicked some dirt at him. “Cover up with topsoil if you’re that worried.” He said in a slightly malicious yet joking manner.

Saras simply looked around for a spot, dropped his stuff, and went out to gather firewood as well.

“there’s three tents in the waggon, and it itself can function as a tent.”

Edward walked to the wagon and picked up a tent. He then walked a fair distance from the group before setting it up.