Arcana: the downfall

Lihem ignored Beta, but was till lagging a little behind Alpha.

Jeromy looked around the tent angrily, electricity slowly starting to build around his fingers.

Beta made a few panicked beeps and ran ahead of him. A small tazer apendage folded from his side and he made an electric growl sound.

“Relax relax. This will be fast.”
Edward said, trying to ease his guest.

“I only want a quick sample.”
A small blade flipped out of the tip of one the mechanical limbs.

Sneaking in the tent’s other enterence Oliver points the tip of he weapon at Edwards back, “I’d put him down if I were you.”

“You’ve got to be Kidding me.”
Edward grumbled as he slowly raised his hands into the air. With a snap of his fingers Alpha set the jar on the ground and removed the lid.

Saras rushes into the room. “Hold up!” He yells. “Hurt these guys and you’re next!” Unknown to the others, he’s likely still not sure what exactly is going on, thinking someone snuck in to attack one of his ‘innocent’ new comrades.

OOC: I see much misunderstanding in the near future.

“no experimenting on fellow journeymen.” He earns Edward

“Wait what?” Saras asks, lowering his guard. “What even’s going on here?”

“I wasn’t going to experiment on him. I only wanted the tail!”

“Edward grabbed Jeromy,” he replied, sighing at Edward’s statement

Saras went to sheathe his sword, only to remember that his scabbard is currently outside on the ground. “Well, that’s…why?” He asked, turning to Edward and leaning on his sword.

“Think about it! An etherialite transformed into an animal body. The possibilities for scientific study are nearly limitless! So of course I wanted a sample. Besides, it would grow back anyway. He’s a gecko.”

Jeromy quickly hopped out of the jar and gave Alpha a quick shock of electricity. “Never. Do. That. Again.” He said narrowing his eyes.

Lihem burst into the tent, obviously confused, and very angry.

“But you still kidnapped him and threatened mutilation without his consent.” Saras reminded him.

Alpha gave two low angry whirrs in response.

“Hey. In my defense I tried asking.”

is it to late to go back to my cell? thought Oliver, disgusted

“And he refused.” Saras said to him. “Because he didn’t want a limb cut off. That’s like someone asking to cut your arm of and saying ‘oh you can just get a prosthetic’ and then kidnapping you when you refuse.”

Edward was about to say something but went immediately and strangely silent at the mention of losing an arm.

“Fine. You’re right. Now get out.”
He spoke in a stern and sudden tone.

Oliver left, visably annoyed before beginning a summon spell

He could tell he struck a nerve. He simply nodded, then left, resheathed his blade, and layed back down to sleep.

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With everyone gone, Edward managed to scrape up enough top soil to make a makeshift bed. He lied down and tried to go to sleep. Though he was having very little luck in doing so, for several different reasons.

Alpha and Beta retracted their legs, becoming completely spherical, and powered down.