Arcana: the downfall

Duo opened his back hatch and a piece of paper folded out. “You are friend?”

“Yes. I am friend.” Saras says to him.

“How, could you… It was your plan? It was your fault! And that’s not even the worst part. You couldn’t even face what you did. Instead of leaving it be and giving the world time to forgive you, you had to hide it away and make everyone forget. If you had told me. I… I would have been mad. I would have been furious, but I could have forgiven you. I could have moved past it. Instead I had to find out in some cave from pictures on a wall!”

Duo beeped happily and gives Sara’s a piece of multicolored glass.
Another piece of paper rolls out. “For friend”

Tortwig nodded. “Yeah, but why do you need that? Is it special?”

“I…I understand…how could I expect forgiveness for an act I cannot forgive myself for…”

Oliver nods, “quite,” he said before putting it back

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Tortwig nodded, her ears rotating as she picked up different sounds. “Why?”
She looked at Oliver, her eyes filled with curiosity.

“earn our trust and we’ll tell you.”

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Edward’s whole body felt like it was going to explode. Every muscle in his body screamed with anger. He wanted to scream too. Tears began to roll down one side of his face.

He said. Having to force the word out of his throat.

“I can’t look at you anymore.”

“Thank you.” Saras says, taking it. “I appreciate it.”

She fades away in response

Tortwig’s tail twitched.
She nodded. “Of course. I told then, may I travel with you?”

Duo gave another happy beep, then flew over to Oliver and Tortwig.
Duo drops a paper reading, “are you friend?”

Edward walked outside. Tears still running from his eye. He passed Melissa on his way out.

“Who were you talking to?”

“No one you need to worry about Melissa. Alpha, Beta, take her to Oliver. He’ll help you set up a tent. I… I need time to myself.”

“Oh. Okay.”
Melissa said, a little sad. The two automatons left and she followed.

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Saras stood up. He was hesitant to talk to him at first, but walked over anyways. “Hey.” He said, obviously concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“Someone, close to me… She’s not who I thought she was… I don’t need anyone, I trust no one… And I fear no God.”

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Oliver nods, “yes.”

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Saras looks him in the eye. “…I understand. You feel betrayed, like you can’t trust anyone. Like you don’t need anyone.” He’s silent. “…You talked to Pian Ya about the visions, didn’t you?”

Duo beeped happily and hands Oliver a piece of multicolored glass, along with another message saying, “For friend”
Tortwig laughs. “Making friends!”
She explains to Oliver, “Duo was designed to be an assistant for my experiments. He always had a kind nature to him.”

“I did. It was her plan. It was all her fault.”

He smiles, before noticing Melissa. “Hello young one.”

Duo turned to Melissa and offered her one of his pieces of glass. He rolled out a paper saying, “For friend”