Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD!

Just finished, and woah. Nothing more, nothing less

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I saw the movie yesterday, thought it was great. My only question is if you have the collective power of the universe on your hand, and your truly a good guy who wants to see the survival of the universe, don’t you think that instead of wiping out half of the universe’s population (which will repopulate taking us back to where we started) don’t you think you could create infinite resources and space for our survival?

Yeah. I admit. Especially when Spider-Man died. Now if I think I start to cry again.
"Mr. Stark I don’t feel OK.
“You’re fine kid.”
“No I… Please! I don’t wanna…”


Well, they have to put him in one more movie. The only characters who actually died a hero were Heimdall and Loki. And while I didn’t care about Dinklage’s character outside of the fact that Dinklage played him, I really liked the weapon quest. The three made a great team, and the part where they arrive in Wakanda was epic. In Ragnarok, the movie was mainly about saving Asgard (now only half is left), but Thor has to prove to himself that he didn’t need his hammer. But how are you supposed to beat Thanos with some randomly fired lightning bolts? And it talked about the Infinity Gauntlet being created which was pretty cool!

I think it’s evident that all of the death characters will return, maybe except for Loki and Heimdall.

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And probably the Black Order. I think I’m the only person who was sad when they died in their spectacular demises…

I actually really liked the character of Proxima Midnight. She died too?

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Yeah, Scarlett threw her up into a saw to explode in blue goo on Widow’s face. Proxima was my second favorite, only because one of the three comics I’ve ever read had Black Dwarf, and I thought he was great. So Cull Obsidian beat her by a bit…

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  1. The Infinity Stones may not be able to infinitely supply new space/resources (they do have limits).

  2. Thanos won’t always be alive to keep using the Gauntlet, and there may not be anyone else capable of wielding all the Stones simultaneously.

  3. Most importantly, Thanos may not truly be a “good guy,” but rather someone who thinks he’s a good guy.

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The thing is that, at least in the comics, the Infinity Stones have only two hard limits: one, they an’t be used to destroy themselves (and really now the destruction of the Mind Stone seemed ridiculous), and two, They can’t be used outside their universe. So, theoretically, they can create infinite resources.

[spoiler]Well, in the comics, everyone dies except Adam Warlock, so we know something isn’t up.

I can’t seem to find a way to quote you, @Toa_Heatwave, but the fact that the Infinity Stones have limits is very true. The key part I would like to bring up is when Thanos uses the Reality Stone to “kill” Mantis and Drax, but once he leaves, they grow back.[/spoiler]


I just saw the movie, and I thought it was mostly good. Most of the things I disliked about it were really minor things, with one exception.

That ending

Do they really think that we’re gonna be fooled into thinking they’re gonna keep all those characters dead? And make us wait a whole goshdarn year to see them come back?

Oh, Thanos is also probably the best villain in the MCU. I wasn’t expecting that to be the case going in.


Just saw it. Wow. I have almost no complaints with that movie. It was just amazing. I can’t even count the amount of times I fistpumped or internally cheered. Thanos is the best MCU villain ever. When he beat the living tar out of the hulk my jaw dropped. The scariest part is that you understand his motivations, and in a twisted way almost feel for him when he is forced to kill Gamora. And holy crap, Red Skull! That was great. I could go on for days, but I’m just gonna give it a 10/10.


Infinity War is probably my favorite marvel movie, the only ones that come close are gotg vol 2 and Spider-Man

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Same here. While I believe Infinity War is the best Marvel movie, and possibly the best movie in general, it’s hard for me to confirm whether or not I liked it more than Homecoming or Ragnarok.

I still think GotG 2 beats it out a bit for me, but I do agree that it’s definitely up there.

Though when it comes to actually rating them, it can be difficult because Infinity War doesn’t really work as a standalone experience. It really requires the past ten years of context and buil-up in order to not be absolutely lost. Unlike the Guardians movies, which out of all the Marvel movies are probably the best standalone experiences.

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You’re right, it is complete nonsense if you view it as a stand-alone


I know one reviewer who decided not to give the movie a final number score because he felt like it would be trying to give a score to the season finale of a TV show.


Judging how my favorite episode in Agents of Shield is the finale of season 1, I’m guessing that that’s a thing I do a lot.

I don’t cry much at movies but Spiderman i came the closest I’d been to when Solo died in TFA. Spidey was mostly bc of what he was saying and thinking of his friends and family, whereas, most other character don’t rly have any.