Bionicle G3 Written Alphabet

My shoddy attempt at contributing to Bonkle G3. Keep in mind that this is the alphabet, not the language.

I came up with the name “Norun” when I was playing around with the word “rune”, as I designed the letters based off of runes (and some of them letters might actually be previously existing runes so whoever owns those runes I claim no ownership on them. All rights belong to their respective owners and whatever)


Cool, I really like how simplistic it is.

Thank you! I just came up with it the day before so I’m surprised at myself at how successful it turned out.

Moved to the Brickonicle Category -square

Ok so just remove part of the letter, pretty easy, me gusta

some of the letters bear a large resemblance to the Tengwar of Cirith, but nice job anyways! it’s cool to see how involved the community is getting in this project.

Its a no from me, to simplistic and yet also looks too much like regular latinic writting.

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It could work. The writing doesn’t need to be overly complicated, however you could change a few letters to make it seem less obvious.

Well Original matoran was…

Lets put letters in circles.


Imma try again, try to make them look not as “ripoff-y” as before but also not as wild as other fictional alphabets I’ve seen. Designing a fictional alphabet is harder than it looks but that’s what makes it fun!


I think that if we were to use a new language, we would try to do something more unique. I’ve always felt that the Matoran language in G1 was really lacking, not in the words they used but in the actual script.

do you mean moar unique words and phrases or letters? Or a little bit of both?

I really like the alphabet.

I used N, E, W, and S from your alphabet for the north, east, west, and south in one image of the island in my Pitch for the compass in the corner, but the image is too small and of poor quality due to its small size.

Here’s the compass:

(Sorry, for poor quality.)

I like it, though I a few things to say.
Letter do need a simplicity to them, but they also need a uniqueness to them. Though that works best with a language based on sounds. In Chinese and other languages like that, their letters are based on concepts (If I remember this correctly), making more imperative for them to be more unique than simple. I really like ‘K’ in this fashion and “B” as well, but a few of your letters can seem lackluster because they’re so similar to the English alphabet. I would try mixing things up or adding a seemingly useless letter like “Æ” which use to be in the English alphabet, but was later dropped. The “Æ” made a “A” sound such as in ‘Ant’. (Don’t get that confused with ‘Ain’t’ or ‘Calm’) Adding letters like these into a language can be fun, and give a little freedom, but I have found more fun to restrict a language by removing letters. (Although for a font this is not needed) Personally I would base the letters more on the runes, that they share sounds with and if a letter doesn’t share a sound get creative. Overall I love what you done so far. (Sorry if this to long, or I ranted too long, I tend to do that :sweat_smile:)