Clone Color Theory

This is another thing I did for art class. I hated making it, but I think it turned out decent. Sorry for the quality, its kind of hard to make colored pencil look good on camera.


This is hand drawn? Looks amazing, great job! Thought they were the original CG images at first!

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Amazing work.

They are images from the clone wars and episode three that I drew, so kind of. Thank you!
@meepinater Thanks!


This is great! I feel it captures the feel of Clone Wars pretty well, generally speaking. Very well done.

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This is really good. Great job!

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I love this so much!

Looks really good! Creative concept, too!

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Thanks, but the concept wasn’t really mine. It was for a class. I decided the subject matter, the exact colors, and the shape of the little ‘windows’ of color, but we were told to draw something with windows of seven different color schemes.

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