Conduit: Race for Power (RP Topic)

Hope squirmed again, knowing what was about to happen.

“hey hey hey” Bailey interrupts before anything can happen, still searching his pockets. “We can talk this out. Who do you want, again?”

“The traitor, Vaarinty.” He said. “Now, if you could.”

Hope gasped as the rainbow chains appeared around her ■■■■■, but she only stumbled a little bit.
She looked down and smiled slightly.

OOC:…wait what. If she is feeling the affects of the kinetic energy after the stasis wears off, she’d likely not feel much, since her struggling wouldn’t have created much.

But if that’s not the case, I have no idea what just happened.

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ooc: my bad, I’ll edit that real quick
IC: Hope tried again to put the King into Stasis, thrusting her ring hand out towards him.

He put up his pearly shield again, reflecting the effects back, putting her ■■■■■ into stasis again. “You failed the first time, and yet you still do the same thing?” He asks her.

“I’m persistent.” she growled, twisting again.
“Unlike you, who is a [censored gaelic insult]”
She continued to struggle.

“uh. I wouldnt test him. He may not be persistent, but his sword might be.” Bailey half quips

“Persistence does not equal stupidity, dear.” He tells her. “But you seem to have more of the latter than the former.”

“The feeling is mutual, [censored]” She retorted, twisting again.

“I have no time for this.” He said, turning away. “Now, give me the traitor so he can be killed.”

Hope, on the third try(again), broke out of Stasis. She sprinted at the King, leaping into a flying side kick.

“I’d say he served enough of a sentence: hundreds of years in limbo with the rest of you.” Zablex said to the former King as he tried to target his neck’s area of the spine and petrify it.

Hopefully, this shouldn’t hurt but I cannot have you attacking us before we devolve into a fight. he thought.

The King holds out his hand, and his one gem glows, a force now holding Hope in place and throwing her to the ground. He then recreated the pearly shield, reflecting the petrification back towards Zablex, but it would instead effect his ■■■■■. "I don’t care what you would say. His crimes deserve a real punishment.

Vaarinty continues his work, reforging the crown quickly and readying the gems for placement.

Jeffrey stands up with the sword, running towards the King. He slashes, but is blocked by the King’s own blade, then thrown out of his hand by his Conduit’s powers.

Zablex tries to reach the sword.

OOC: Sorry, but I’m gonna call it a night.

There was a small pistol in Bailey’s suit pocket.

Hope hits the ground, her head hitting the floor with a sharp crack. She lies there, dazed.

Bailey feels the gun. “Alright, alright, that’s enough” he says a little loudly to get everyone’s attention. “Both of you, stop.”

One of the King’s gems glows, and Zablex might feel his body start to petrify as his Conduit glows, the petrification starting from where the Conduit touched his body.

The King looked over at Bailey. “You don’t scare me.” He said.

Jeff backed away from the armed King, who uses the same ability he used on Zablex on Jeff. His jade ring started to glow, and he gripped his head in pain, falling to the floor.

Vaarinty continued reforging the crown, fixing the crack in it.