Cusp of a New Era: Stories of a Changing Time(RP Topic)

“I guess that’s true, so I would be delayed. It’s just a mild discomfort.”

A few shoot at it before it gets too close, trying to blow it up midair.

Sarah sighs. “An’ there ye go again.” She looks him straight in the eye. “Ye just wait. Wait fer other people ta decide yer fare for ye. Why don’t’cha take yer fate inta yer own hands?”

“Why should I? I’m content as I can be. What reason do I have to take my own fate in my hands?”

The bullets pierce it, and a thick cloud of smoke covers the area.
Ryko backs away and runs onto a side street, blood streaming from his arm. He coughs violently.
“Dang.” He growled, wiping blood from his mouth

“Because ye’d have no way of fixin’ it when everythin’ goes ta hell.” She said. “Ye’d just have to deal with it instead of being able to make everythin’ better yerself.”

The guards run past the alleyway, thinking he kept down the street through the haze.

Ryko slunk down against the wall, grimacing.
“Where’d the kid go?” He wondered.

Asher looks from Ryko to the guards and decides to take his advice. After Ryko ran up next to him with blood on his arm, he said, “Are you okay?”

“I got shot.” Ryko groaned.
“Of course not.” He coughed again. “Plus, I think I reopened my lung wound.”

“That doesn’t answer my questions. Don’t tell me your propaganda.”

“We really need to get out of here. I know where we can find horses. Follow me.”

Ryko nodded and stood up. Clutching his arm, he followed Asher.

Asher started off in the direction of his parents’ house, hoping they were okay and they still had horses around.

Ryko followed, keep his hand on his pistol in case there were more soldiers.

After walking for several minutes, Asher got his parents’ house. “Hello? Are you in there?” called Asher. A couple of seconds later his parents opened the door.
“Oh, Asher! We thought it was those soldiers. What do you need?”
"Well, a few things. Can we come inside? "
“Of course! You seem to have a new friend here.”
“Well, I wouldn’t call him my-”
“What’s your name?” Asher’s mom asked Ryko.

Ryko didn’t answer, he merely collapsed in the ground. His arm was still bleeding, the bullets embedded in his flesh.

“Er…” said Asher.
He and his parents quickly pulled Ryko inside, and his dad, a doctor, set to work with the supplies he had. “While you’re at it, dad, you might as well take a look at my wounds too.” Asher was starting to not feel too good.

Ryko awoke and yelled violently, reaching for his sword, assuming Asher’s father had not removed it.

While Ryko was sleeping, Asher’s dad had patched up his wounds. Then he bandaged Asher’s. When Ryko awoke, Asher’s dad said “Calm down. You’re safe right now. You’re wound isn’t fully healed, but it’ll get you to Darsa. Now let’s get some horses.” Asher and his dad walked out of the back door to the pen behind their house. They led a few out the gate and around the front, then loaded them with belonging and provisions.
“Now let’s get Ryko on one of these,” said Dad, and he walked inside.

Ryko stumbled after them, before mounting the horse clumsily. He shook his head, clearing the pain.
“Ugh. Did you use anesthetic?” He asked.

“Well why shouldn’t’cha be’n control of yer own life? Why let others determine what happens to ye? What if they mess up? Then yer left upstream without a paddle, aren’t’cha?” She continues, trying to calm herself down.