Cusp of a New Era: Stories of a Changing Time(RP Topic)

“It is cultural!” Riku smirks

“Ohhh yer too frail t’ grow a propa tash!”

He slightly lifted his mask, revealing a ‘stache that’d give Stalin a run for his money

“What’s with that tacky costume anyhow?” Asks valentine seemingly ignorant of his own over the top armour

“Cultural significance!” He says, he’s tempted to mention his armour but he realises that would sound rude to him

“Ya look like an apple!” Valentine exclaims roaring with laughter

“I like apples…”

“S-so you decided to dress up as one? That’s priceless! You’re one hell of a jester I tell ya!”

“Hm?” Louisa flips her hat up slightly, only to pull the brim closer to her face as she realizes what’s happening. She attempts to push past the soldier, her head low.

The soldier stands up and looks at her. He’s silent for a moment.
“…Au revoir.” He says quietly, a sad smile crossing his face. He then turns back to his destination and follows his comrades.

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Moenir notices it and joins her.
“It’s right down these pathways…”
He starts saying as he leads the way.

Blud smiles,
“Long time no see?”
Aina walks out and places her hands on Blud’s shoulders,
“Almost twenty years and that’s all you have to say after ditching me when our son was born?”
Blud, petrified, barely answers,
Aina smiles and hits Blud in the head knocking him out. She picks the pirate hum and carries him into the house, laying him down on some bedding.

She follows, ignorance the pirate falling to the ground. “So…who’re we talkin to?” Sarah asked.

Moenir explains,
“We’re going to see if we can speak with one of the big 3 to sponsor our campaign against the Nikidians. Basically, one of our leaders, though how difficult that may be is entirely dependent on how we go about this.”

“That was not the point…”

“Well…people are sure going t’ see that way”

“I like your armour but people might see it strangely…”

“It’s a diving suit. Made for ship huntin’”

“Adieu,” she murmurs in response, continuing down the street and towards the wall.

Ryko, Lillan, and Kasie follow after the two

“So…how’re we goin’ ‘bout it?” Sarah asks.

Another soldier would now bump into Louisa, but he would be a lot less friendly. The officer drew his rapier and pointed it at her. “Traitre.” He spat.