Customised rusty/infected Hau

I took a rusty/infected Kanohi Hau and made it a bit more realistic looking.
First I used transparent matt acrylic paint and rust particles. After drying I applied a wash with black acrylic paint.

Left Side:

Right Side:

Top Side:


It looks very interesting! How did you make it? throw it in mud or something?

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Like I wrote acrylic paint and real rust.

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It looks amazing! How did you made the real rust?

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A glass with metal, water and patience.

When there is enough rust:
-shake the glass
-put the water in a different container
-after the rust particles have settled at the bottom put most of the water back in the glass
-let the rest in the second container dry out and collect it


Wow, wow wow wow. That’s just incredible. Well done.

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Next time please use a red hau, they’re much cheaper… The infected one is rather rare.


I only have multiple of the infected Hau but not the red one.

The techniques used are great, but man that breaks my heart. I totally understand not owning a red hau tho, I only have a silver one (non-shiny).