Doctor Who Discussion Topic

The pacing could have been more even, but I never felt it reached ADD levels. As I recall, there were several fairly low-key scenes that went on quite a while. Honestly, the uneven pacing was my only real issue with the episode.


As much as I liked the new episodes, there’s one thing these episodes show that I hat most about doctor who, and that’s the inconsistent story. Well I’m sure everyone knew Davros would be back,it was suggested he died with the crucible, or actleast the characters thought he did. Now we find out he was alive all along and everyone was aware of this? Did they see him fly out of the crucible just before it exploded on his chair? Another three examples just so you all get where I’m coming at. Smith’s doctor claimed he knew St Nick and Einstein, yet Capaldi repeatedly states Santa isn’t real in the christman special. Also in the previous season Missy stated the Doctor abandoned her, yet in the end of time the Master dissapears. Also in one of my books it states the master was actualy trapped on Gallifrey along with the weeping angels of old and Rassilon. Dare I even get into the fact that in the 50th anniversary special the Doctor acted as though he killed all the time lords, when it was already established that Gallifrey was time locked.
But they were still good episodes, I just hate these constant inconsistencies.

Missy probably regenerated in the end.

this point is nullified by time travel. this could be Davros before Journey’s End. We just don’t know.

He said that to children, if I recall.

That’s what she was referring to.

Well, it’s in the books, so it’s not canon. Well, not as canon as the show.

No, no, no. see, he did kill the time lords, at least he thought he did. It was the Time War that was time locked. That doesn’t mean it was frozen in time. it meant that no one could time travel back to prevent the Doctor from doing what he did.


Then the Doctor would’ve completely realised Davros wasn’t going to die when he heard the news.

He said that to one kid and provided a photograph. He might’ve been lying, but knowing Matt Smiths character it’d be more likely he was telling the truth.

Explain when not knowing where someone is because they mysteriously dissapeared is the same as leaving them to die?

Fair enough.

And yet, in the 10th Doctors final hours, Gallifrey returns. Even if at first he did think he destroyed it he must have fully realised after the end of time Gallifrey wasn’t truly gone. It’s also stated several times that the events of the time war keep repeating because of the Time lock, which suggests that Gallifrey and the time war can never end, only constantly repeat. At the end of the day, it was very clear the Doctor never destroyed Gallifrey, or else Rassilon would never have known to send the diamond to Earth, as he would be dead.

It’s not, but do you expect someone as insane as the Master to think rationally?

The most logical explanation is that he met the historical St. Nicholas, not “Santa Claus.”

I will say that the show is inconsistent about the rules of time travel. In “Father’s Day,” the Doctor is adamant that adult Rose mustn’t touch baby Rose due to issues stemming from crossing your own timeline and such. But in “The Big Bang,” adult Amy casually pats child Amy on the head and nothing happens.

The return of the Time Lords in The End Of Time happens hours, if not minutes before the Doctor uses the Moment. I believe they actually refer to the fact that the Doctor has the moment in one of their meeting scenes. And they refer to Rassilon having his own plans in Day of the Doctor.


In the Big Bang time and space is collapsing so that is probably why she could touch her as earth is the last planet alive as the universe collapses

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Maybe, but spacetime was also in trouble in Father’s Day if I recall correctly. And a paradox is still a paradox even if the “playing field,” as it were, is smaller.

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True , I guess we could just debunk it as Doctor WHo being a scifi show and not being totally consistent all the time XD

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The unfortunate truth is that Doctor Who strayed more into Science-Fantasy than Science-Fiction. Even the Science of the show doesn’t need to make sense in the context of the storytelling anymore, which is one of the things throwing me off the story. What’s established in one episode is not followed through later on in the same episode.

The Magician’s Apprentice;
Interesting concept, weak and drawn-out execution, Colony Sarff provided the best moments. Could have been a 10 minute prologue and covered the same amount of plot.

The Witch’s Familiar
Provided answers that were needed earlier which now undermine any character deaths ever shown on screen or to be shown on screen via energy weapons in future. Twist ending was disappointing, anti-climactic and rather poor storytelling.

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Where have the drums gone?

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Davros’ eyes are just… No.


Finally saw The Witch’s Familiar. I, for one, loved it. “Your sewers are revolting!”


#All aboard the Hype Boat!


Yah some employees at my local Lego store told me about, Lego just hates money being saved lol


Cause they bring out so many cool sets that I don’t got any money to spare :persevere:

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Because we’ve got catalogue pics now
Shouldn’t we have an official LEGO dr who topic? It seems like they might make an entire series off it, what with it being an important part of dimensions and all.


Well, this could just go in the Licensed LEGO Themes topic. As for its size, it’ll probably be like Back to the Future and Ghostbusters. :wink:

Could be, however Doctor Who can be easily marketed at children because the show is current, GhBrs and BttF were both sets made for nostalgia purposes, Doctor who seems to have been made to appeal to the current fanbase, I dont see why they cant continue it, like they did with minecraft.

Oh, okay, so kinda like the simpsons does.

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