Everyone's Favorite Toa Poll

A totally just for fun poll to gauge which Toa are the most beloved by the TTV Community. If you want, post why you like him/her, but that’s totally unnecessary. Mine is Pohatu, by the way.

  • Tahu
  • Kopaka
  • Gali
  • Onua
  • Pohatu
  • Lewa
  • Takanuva
  • Vakama
  • Nokama
  • Matau
  • Nuju
  • Whenua
  • Onewa
  • Norik
  • Iruini
  • Bomonga
  • Gaaki
  • Pouks
  • Kualus
  • Lhikan

0 voters

  • Nidhiki
  • Tuyet
  • Naho
  • Jaller
  • Hahli
  • Kongu
  • Matoro
  • Hewkii
  • Nuparu
  • Lesovikk
  • Nikila
  • Dume
  • Helryx
  • Jovan
  • Krakua
  • Chiara
  • Orde
  • Varian
  • Zaria
  • Savage

0 voters


Got to love toa Dume, remember when… he did… that one thing…


You know I was going to pick Dume for that thing he did, but really Nikila has just done way more things


I wonder what mine is…


Jaller is awesome (except in MOL… ) TAKUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAA

His Mahri form was one of the first toa I ever received.


I have to go with Pohatu, he is precious and had the best set design of the Toa Mata.

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… Who the heck is Toa Nikila?




Tahu, he will always be my first set :slight_smile:
Jaller for the second one, because Jaller is a hero!

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Personally, I went with Tuyet.
She’s the only member of the Toa Mangai who didn’t manage to get herself killed, completely took over Metru Nui in an alternate universe (until that golden boy Takanuva had to show up and ruin everything), is arguably the second most powerful Toa next to Tahu, and was a better villain than that poser Nidhiki could’ve ever hoped to be.

Nikila was a Toa of Lightning on Lesovikk’s former team… who was disintegrated by the same Zyglak that slaughtered everyone else. Technically, she’s permadead (as in no Red Star shenanigans), but we did sort of get to see her in that one vision from Karzahni.


It’s hard to pick just one, as there are so many and they are so good for different reasons. But I had to go with Kongu, as I enjoy most parts of his design, and he is honestly the funniest BIONICLE character IMO. I just enjoy his personality and snark.


Tuyet is a stand out to me amongst the very morally similar Toa for obvious reasons, and her insane attitude as well as her mirroring of Helryx’s willingness to do bad things for the greater good creates the potential for an interesting dynamic in stories of Spherus Magna’s future. Also she’s pretty bada*s

To be fair, I really only consider her mentally unstable by Bionicle standards, since she pretty much shares a similar viewpoint to the Templars from the Assassin’s Creed franchise, where as Helryx falls more in line with the Assassins.
Don’t see the connection? Let’s take a moment to review her big master plan, shall we?

  1. Obtain power via artifacts, political influence, etc.
  2. Maintain it by any means necessary.
  3. Use said power to assert dominance over anyone and everyone around you in an effort to establish peace through direct control over the surrounding population.
  4. Attempt to do away with those who don’t agree with you in an effort to end potential problems before they can even begin.
  5. Maintain your new peace and dominance as if it was Step 2 when Step 4 inevitably fails.
  6. ???
  7. Profit.

Matau, because he is more handsome than the rest.


When I said “insane”, really meant “willing to do things no other Toa would ever consider”, not that she was really clinically insane. I enjoy her character in part due to her unique views of peace, as I said earlier.

Well, I picked Lewa. But only because Toa Vezon, Toa of Anarchy, didn’t make the poll. /s


Oh, I know. That part was clear enough.
I just wanted to address the point a little further, since BS01 doesn’t really delve that deeply into it, and those unfamiliar with the character or simply skimming through her page for info could be easily mislead into arriving at an incorrect conclusion, such as thinking she’s in the same camp as Vezon, for example.

I voted savage because of the name

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Savage is actually a transformed Dark Hunter, who used to be a Toa.

Well, as of September 16, it seems like Matoro is by far the fan favorite. Thats…cool. XD

I voted for tahu cause he surfs on lava.