Fidget Spinners Discussion

I am quite the sad person! Good observation, but I did kind of go overboard

TBH I should have just used your post as a bit of an example of people who take the whole hipster hatin on fads thing a bit too far or whatever, but hey I was feeling a bit eh.

Advice for the future childo, don’t pass your horrible attempts as sarcasm as “overly sarcastic”, especially on the internet
There are three people when it comes to sarcasm
people who say things that sound way too literal to sound sarcastic (you)
people who say snide things that are “obviously sarcastic” (what you pretend to be)
and of course, people who say stuff so harmlessly sarcastic and then put /s at the end of their posts to not offend anyone (who you should never be)

try falling into that second category next time
sarcasm usually means some form of humour, “loosing” faith in humanity isn’t a very funny joke.

Well I mean that part was meant to be a humourous joke there y’know? I just kinda put it there in strikethrough to make it clear, but to be quite honest there is a fair amount of truth in it

if they act like that, they probably aren’t very mentally stable.

would you have prefered a nice statement of “grow the heck up”?

again, I’ll admit that post wasn’t very good

to refine my statement, I hate the conceptual fad of “fidget spinners” and it makes me vomit, I hate the people even more, and I hate the people who go out of their way to hate on it even (even?) more


You seem a bit hypocritical. I think someone who is trying to tell other people how to joke around because they can’t understand the jokes being told needs to “grow the heck up”. You don’t have to attack people for disagreeing with something, and if you cannot understand a joke, then it’s not the fault of the person who told the joke.

I know it is harder to detect sarcasm when you are reading something rather than getting it said to your face, but really? Saying that I will never respect someone again because of a trend that they are following sounds serious to you?

The joke didn’t seem like a joke due to the tone you were using before. As for the vomit thing, if you really vomit cause of that, then you really should get that checked out. Plus I don’t think our comments on the spinners are going out of our way to hate on the thing.

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but you didn’t say you wouldn’t ever respect him
respect =/= never watch videos again

eh what why did you quote that part of my post what

fair point, but if i never watched one of his videos again, would I necessarily respect him?

Because I found your statement of “grow the heck up” seemed a little hypocritical.


i don’t watch a lot of people but I still respect them

again fair point, but I think you know what I meant. But as much as I have enjoyed this little argument, it’s kind of off topic. I suppose this post will be a little hypocritical as well, but what has pulling apart a joke I made relevant to a fidget spinner discussion? What is this adding to the discussion? Again this comment is a little hypocritical since I am part of this argument, but still, I think now we’re just arguing for the sake of arguing while we wait for the Mod Squad to come and close this topic.

Can we please stop being off topic, both of you?

I wouldn’t close the topic, I’d just punish the folks who broke the rules.


I love spidget finners

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That’s… Really sad, isn’t a date important enough to take the extra time to manually check the profiles?

So I have one of these things now.

It’s actually kinda cool, I can see why people like them, if you just have it in your hand it’s fine for relieving stress.

But I’m not saying it’s the holy grail of fidget tools, I find C-4 explosives much better.


kids these days


Their opinions are wrong.


This is so true it hurts.


I’ve never ever seen such things before, could someone fill me in on what they are?

It’s like a fidget toy thing but for some reason people like them a lot more than what could be considered healthy.

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Today I was fiddling around with the extremely long strings that you pull to tighten the hold on my shorts and I realized something…

Their a better fidget toy than those spinners and their just abnormally long strings.

*They’re. :slight_smile: I definitely see your point. I don’t see what’s so amusing about these things. I played with one once for… maybe ten minutes, and then I was bored of it.

I think that the reason they have become so popular is because their simplicity and lack of well just about everything mainly a use thus applying to the largest audience. The only few people who I have met that don’t support the craze have had high standards for what is interesting however nowadays people like so are lacking because it’s much easier to find lots of low quality entertainment rather than waiting for say the next episode of your favourite tv show or whatever floats your boat in a sense it’s a trend because it’s simple and easy to understand and enjoy even if to a lesser extent .

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One of my problems with the whole craze is that it is excepted in many schools. Sure it is supposed to be for kids with ADHD, but most of the kids playing with these things don’t have ADHD. I remember being in elementary school, and toys weren’t allowed. But now almost every school is accepting these little trinkets. You are completely right though, I think people have lowered their standards for what they put their money into. But maybe the people with fidget spinners think the same towards us Lego fans.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: