Finish the sentence 2

because golden poop is their primary source of income, and

They use it as Fuel for the

Giant robotic plumber, who

They used to wage war against

But now protect because

cheese, so

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a boy named Jerry had to

Binge watch the entirety of Samurai Jack. However, this caused the bow to grow dark and become…

@Eljay, but in his haste he

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Unleashed an unspeakable evil! Darkness rained across the land until…

A foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword

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Tried to appose me. Before the final blow was struck, I…

Tore open a portal in time, sending him into the future where

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My evil is law. Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo…

The fact that this topic is becoming off topic, and

This sentence was samurai Jack halfway

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Through fighting a

Janitor who hates

Robbie Rotten, so

A gaint Robot appeared out of no where saying

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