Finish the sentence 2

“Beep boop! I have come here for your jobs” So then…

the robot kills someone with a job, then takes their position as…

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Head of farts, which means he is in charge of all the

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Bob Dylan CDs, which were

Made by people living in

A cave somewhere near a golf course owned by

stingy from lazytown

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Who was number one,

and his name was Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen. However…

His hat was stolen by

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A FLOATING SHOPPING LIST!!! Wait, no it was Mr. Crabs, who then…

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used the hat to find the secret cave of…

Caerbanog, home to the killer rabbit of Caerbonag, alongside

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SpongeBob, killer of evil, who

planned to use the hat for evil deeds, such as…

Making videos of kittens falling over

And John Cena in the Fred movie clips

However the studio ran out of money, so they had to resort to…

Stale memes, which resulted in…

Financial difficulties for the TTV mesage boards