Finish the sentence 2

they could eliminate all vegans, becuase

Vegans eat tofu brutally and…

are totally awesome, so they…

Died because they need to man up and eat some meat because…

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Some guy told them to eat duck, after the guy…

Was really mad at ducks for no reason so he…

Shot himself in the head, causing…

the big bang number 345, and that…

Rebooted the MCU franchise, where the superheroes…

Where all sunglasses, which made for interesting…

Conversations involving sunglasses. Robbie rotten ran up to Spider Man, and started to give him a little lesson in trickery. Spider man…

Punched Robbie in the face and walked over to…

use Hyper Beam on the opposing…

Carpet manufacturer, causing…

Lifeboats to fall from the sky

…Which many took as a sign of the End of Days, thus prompting mass-

Chicken birth, some farmers were happy, others feared the increasing chickens would lead to

A coup against

Global Warming

…Which might not actually be a bad thing in any other scenario, but in this case…