Golden-Skinned Being and Bota Magna Dinosaurs?

Forgive me if you’ve been asked this before, but there are two hanging plot threads I wanted clarification on the trajectory of. In the overview of the planned but never-made prospective sequel to The Legend Reborn, it ends with the group being sent to Bota Magna and encountering dinosaurs. Did the story team have a broad idea of what would happen on Bota Magna and how it might have contributed to the overall narrative, or were you focusing mainly on planning for the next year and worrying about the rest when you got to it?

Similarly, with the shift in plans following G1’s cancellation and the wrapping up of the main story, there were still several loose ends left with the story serials; things like Velika’s plans, the Red Star, and the Golden-Skinned Being. You’ve discussed the first two in greater detail before, but the third, to my knowledge, hasn’t been elaborated on as much. So what, if anything, did you have planned for the Golden-Skinned Being and the Toa Mahri going forward?

  1. No, because we never had time to flesh the story out before the line got cancelled.
  2. I didn’t plan ahead that much. I wrote and things came to me. I don’t do outlines for my work.