How Does One Say "BIONICLE"? (The Pronunciation Topic)

I’ve been pronouncing it as: E ree
Like the word eerie


Well with spanish being my mother tongue I pronounced most of the names the way they were written for a good chunk of time, now in spanish the letter H is silent, which means that instead of saying for example pohatu I said poatu, ignoring the H


Your joke was my life actually. Since my first language is Spanish, I pronounced many of the names the Spanish way (and some I still pronounce it that way because it sounds better to me) It wasn’t until I saw Web of Shadows that I learnt how Bionicle was truly pronounced.

I pronounce Vezon as Veh- zon and Lewa as Leh-wah
Again, the way you would read it in Spanish. The only one that I don’t really pronounce it that way is Jaller. Otherwise it would sound really messy (something like HA-yeer).

EDIT: Seems like another fellow Spanish speaker posted a few seconds before me. What a coincidence :smiley:


Oh yeah I remember pronouncing jaller like that, by the way from which country are you?
EDIT: Dont get me started on how hard it was for me to pronounce the 2004 matoran names back in the day

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I pronounce it ehrye, er, how can I articulate my pronunciation in text,

in hindsight, not sure why.

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My biggest flop was probably how I used to pronounce “Lhikan”–I anyways said Lay-HEW-eecan. A close second is how I used to say “Tair-A-ku-va” for Takanuva…

One thing I still don’t get is Inika: is it “eye-Nock-uh” or “ih-NEE-kuh”?


My mispronunciations

Lhikan -> Leek-Can

Lewa -> Loo-wah

Muaka and Kane-Ra -> Moo-uh-ka and Kain-rah

Reidak -> Ree-dak

Pridak -> Pree-dak

Ehlek -> El-eek

Also, could never tell the difference between Onua and Onewa, and I thought that Roodaka and Rhotuka were pronounced the same…

I used to pronounce Nynrah “Nyrah”.

And Tahu “Tay-hu”


I pronounced Mahri like May-hree.
I pronounced Nidhiki like Ny-dhiki.

I feel dumb now.


Same 'ere, m8.

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How many people are going to yell at me if I admit that I pronounce Jaller the way it looks because I didn’t learn about Jala until years later?


I always thought Gelu was geh-loo instead of gay-loo. I can’t get over that one.


I will yell at you. Only posers call him Jaller, so you must not be a real fan. Get off the message boards right now.



I’ve heard people pronounce Nuparu as “noo-purr-roo” :stuck_out_tongue:

I still say geh-loo.

I wasn’t aware it was Gay-loo.



I’m one of them!

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Correct pronunciation:
Lewa: “LAY-wah” or “Leh-vah”
(the second one is if you count w as a v (to some both letters are the same, its how you say the letter “v”, the lip and teeth movement, that makes it a “w”), because their pronunciations are almost the same and the eh and ay are just another way to accent the letter “e”( its ether a more monotone “e” or a more higher note “e”)

Reasons are because the Maoir words use phonemic orthography and it takes one that uses it to notice it.

You have spelling of a word, we just say it and its spelling is how we say it. Each letter has its distinct sound.

real world grammar laws have no bearing on what’s canon or not. It’s almost always been said as “Lee-wah” in canon media

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No, actually it does have a saying. And those who were saying it Lee-wah never heard of the phonemic orthography which is the key component for understanding and pronouncing many Bionicle names that are based on the Maori language.


Used to call Spiriah “spur-eye-ah” rather than “speer-ee-yah”