If you could cancel a LEGO theme, what would that be?

There’s red in the MK set and the purple is very compressed.

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It’s had a good run but the sets are getting bland. They need to let another theme take hold for a while.


I agree

so bionicle can come back

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Nah, haha! I say let it stay dead!


“Let it stay, stay dead, let let it stay de-e-ad”

@Chronicler If you want bionicle to stay dead then why were you once a mod on a bionicle forum?

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This question makes no sense. Just because I modded here on TTV doesn’t mean I cannot express an opinion on wishing for BIONICLE to stay dead.

As for why… Look, we all see BIONICLE in rose colored glasses. I personally liked the nostalgia of G1 and liked aspects of G2. But man, this community is toxic, and no doubt we wouldn’t appreciate even a revival if done right. BIONICLE is more special as a memory to me.

It also is because, as a mod, I saw first hand how toxic and entitled his community can be. It honestly ruined my perception of BIONICLE for years that I refused to even think about it. Nowadays, I look back on BIONICLE warmly now that I no longer moderate. I appreciate what was once G1 and the cool MOCs we have.

Oftentimes, it is better for things to remain a memory, or a figment of the past. They become more special that way. To keep rising it from the dead creates something artificial, because it does not have life. BIONICLE is dead, and we should respect it’s rest as a line.

And this is not an Anti-BIONICLE sentiment, either. No, I think this is the most respect we can have for the line, I think.


yeah, it was a stupid response. People can have opinions. Now that you’re given your reasons, I definately agree. Rebooting bionicle would just make evryone more mad, because it isn’t what we had before.

@Traykar, can we please be done with this arguement?

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Ignoring the fact that there’s far less red than purple, saying that things look the same from far away is kinda redundant, everything looks the same of you see it from far enough.

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I’m of the opposite opinion. Since the movie, the NinjaGo sets have been of a consistently growing quality. Most of the NinjaGo sets pre-movie weren’t that great looking, IMO.

I think that’s one of the reasons they’re releasing NinjaGo: Legacy sets every set wave now. The theme has been going on long enough and some of the old ones just don’t stand the test of time all that well. While sure, you can kind of predict at this point that each wave will have some sort of large temple/structure set, a dragon (or two), and some wheeled vehicles, the designs/build quality more than make up for any pattern that can be detected.

And judging by some of the leaks for next year, things are going to get a little more out there. I say let the theme keep rolling on as long as the story doesn’t start to dip in quality. too much anyway, NinjaGo has always had its peaks and valleys in terms of storytelling


I second this. It’s been enough.


Any short lived licensed theme like Minions and replace it with a new short lived theme like Time Cruisers


I couldn’t agree enough. All those one-and-done licensed themes just feel so pointless.

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That’s what he means, rather than one-and-done licenses, one-and-done originals.


I would like LEGO to take a break from Marvel Superheroes. The sets from this theme have not been so good this year. Also summer 2020 Ninjago has been pretty generic and forgettable in a year that has been anything but.


While I love ninjago I would say they really need to rap up the story soon.


I’m ready for a new Lego series to take the stage.


Gonna be honest I would rather have Ninjago be canceled. It’s gone on for 11 long years and I mean its growing stale at this point. Yeah, the sets are cool but the story is just dragged on and the sets are getting too expensive. I just hope they give it the ending it deserves unlike Bionicle received. I am thinking the Legacy sets are hinting towards the ending of Ninjago though. After season 5 the story felt very lackluster and forgettable.


Ninjago is kinda getting old, the sets are always expensive and they arent the most original(a lot of motorcycles and a lot of jets) sometimes they come up with cool pieces but if lego ends ninjago they can use the resources for other original themes with newer and cooler ideas


And even ignoring the actual sets what is even left for a villian plot? Undead #5? Another pirate group? Technology? its annoying how they have multiple perfect endings and plans but then they just keep going.


Yeah, I agree that Ninjago should be put to a merciful end, since Lego just continues to beat it to death. To be honest, after season 6 (and some would argue that it was even earlier), Ninjago really started to go downhill, especially when it switched to the fifteen-minute episodes (granted, I’d say that seasons 12 and 13 were managed far better than season 11 was).