"It's a Boards Thing" - Comic Series by Political_Slime (On Hiatus)

So this wasn’t the comic I was planning on releasing today

But I feel like it’s kinda appropriate right now

feat @Political_Slime, @Middlefingerstudios, @Blue_Beetle, and @Garnira


I rarely get serious on the Boards, but I’m gonna go there for the sake of discussing this topic. In my own humble opinion, several of y’all are getting quite self-centered in this topic. I understand that you want to be part of the fun, but let me put this into perspective:

  1. There are an average of 2-5 users in every comic.
  2. There is an average of 275 active users on the Boards.
  3. There is an average of 1 Slime making this series on the Boards

#Just because I haven’t included you yet doesn’t mean that I WON’T make you ever.

Having said that, I probably won’t include the majority of you. Why? Not because I don’t like you, but because I don’t know you. These comics are based around comedy, and I can’t work with information I don’t have. So the best way to get featured on this comic? Be notable on the Boards. Do something to stand out. Make me know who you are. I read ALL topics on the Boards, so if you post something there’s a good chance that I’ll see it.

Now getting to the topic of today’s comic…
Again, I can understand the principle behind people making these. “Oh Slime hasn’t made me yet, I guess I’ll just make me for him!” Yeah…no. I won’t deny that some of them are funny, but most of are LITERALLY the same thing as “It’s a Boards Thing”. We’re all here because of (at least) one reason: we like Lego. What’s the main concept behind Lego? Being creative. It’s not creative when you roll with someone else’s idea.

Now I’m not against people making comics based off of Board events. On the contrary, I think it should happen more! But why do you need to copy the style of others? Be creative! Do your own thing! @Vuhii just started a photocomic of the Boards, and I think its the best thing since sliced bread!

so tl;dr

Please don’t request yourself to be put in
Please don’t blatantly copy this idea, not because I mind you copying me, but because it ain’t very creative



To be fair mine was made to be a blatant and bootleg looking rip off :stuck_out_tongue:

also good rant slime


Aww you’re so kind

You shouldn’t have



^^^^ What he said
The Nyran thing was supposed to be something to do with the whole “not a bootleg” thing, as I added a nose and said:


That still doesn’t make it original or particularly creative IMO… :confused:


but I only did it once as a joke ;-;

you’ve seen the stuff I usually make


You did it once as a joke
then Blue Beetle did it once as a joke
now Garn did it once as a joke(?)

Soon enough it will be a thing to “parody” this comic, and I don’t want that to happen.


OK, won’t do it again, if I do make a comic series, it’ll be my own ideas/styles :smile:



I also took your advice




I don’t intend to copy your stuff or anything like that; I just saw a distinct lack of myself in the cliffhorse scene and thus did what any rotten human being would do and slapped my face on it.

But yeah, knockoffs are bad. I’m sorry.

And it was intended as a joke.

This is kind of unrelated to my apology(and will most likely make you mad at me again), but I think it’s for the best that I bring it up.

You have, more than once, made community creative content and that’s a very large undertaking. First of all, props to you; everyone enjoys seeing their place in the community reflected on art, and projects like those that you’ve made are prime examples. However, the fact remains that it’s community content, and thus everyone who considers themselves part of that community will want to see their image reflected on it. As such, it will get overwhelming and frustrating as people become upset that they haven’t been featured, want to pitch their own voice into the matter thus(to an extent) steal or replicate your content, and(on rarer occasions) don’t like how you portrayed them. It all happens, I know from experience.

So really you just kind of have to cope with the fact that you’re more or less catering to your audience. Try to not let all that get to you.

I short, I suppose what I’m trying to say is this; don’t let other people’s responses to your work affect you all that much. I know it makes it much more complicated to do so when a large body of people is nagging at you, but that’s just the curse of the endeavor.


Thanks Garn, and I wasn’t ever really too upset about you guys. The comic was more to grab people’s attention.

I understand that this happens, having done the Community MOCs and whatnot. I was simply hoping that it wouldn’t happen quite as quickly here. :confused:

Here is where I disagree. While I certainly like it when people enjoy this comic, I’m not making it for them. I tried to make that clear in the first comic (which I’m guessing most people didn’t see…) where I told the story of my Community MOCs. That choice wasn’t arbitrary. While I love making the Community MOCs, it often feels like they restrain me (for many reasons). When I decided to make this comic, I told myself that I would do it on my terms, and not care if anyone looked at it. I make this comic because it’s fun and making comics is something that I’ve wanted to do since I was a little kid. The moment this comic stops being fun, I’m not going to continue it. But I haven’t gotten to that point yet, and probably won’t get to that point for a while.

Wow, all this philosophical talk for some crappy comics. GG Slime, you done good.


You are the Bill Watterson of today. Keep maintaining that artistic integrity, and keep making awesome comics!


If everyone copies someone else’s thing, it dies really quickly. Like Mafia.

MT had a Mafia game, then everyone wanted to make one to, and then there were too many. Supply and demand, people. If there’s a very small amount of something, everyone wants to see it and looks forward to it when it is made. If everyone makes something that’s the same thing all at once, there is too much of it on the market and its value goes down, it dies off and we don’t care anymore. 'tis why I think Mafia is dead for the time being.

Don’t kill off Slime’s comics, too. Make something that is your own unique style and creation, as he said.


Ah… Intention gets lost in the noise of demand. Well, in that case, I guess you really have to just make that really clear to people or they won’t get it.

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Can I suggest a suggestion for me to suggest?

If so

how about making a comic starring bootleg characters of people on the boards, yknow like those lego bootlegs, except user bootlegs

boserall, guyran, porkCstag, tomat8o etc


Let’s just hope that other people don’t take after your suggesting and flood Slime with suggestions…


Donut follow the leader.


so i suppose i should apologize for that last comic

wasn’t really funny or justified

so have this comic that is both of those
Feat @TheMatoroMovement, @nekroz, @Vastor, @xXx_D3wc3p71c0n_xXx, @Rockho, @Middlefingerstudios, some slimy dude, and @Vuhii

Also, I updated the original post with the updated album.

Now, here’s a special message from Slime!

"Hey everyone, Slime here.

I’ll be putting this message in various places (Boards, Skype, etc.) so that you’ll have a very large chance of seeing it. Why? Because the last time I dissapeared for a while, Rise thought I died.

“Wait Slime, you’re dissapearing for a while?” Yes. Well…maybe. For the next two weeks, my family will be visiting due to graduations. As such, I will likely be offline during that time period.

If I am online, I’ll likely check my notifications on the Boards. If you absolutely need to contact me during the next two weeks, it would be best to send my a PM (not a mass group PM however). I’ll also try to stay updated with the comics, since I’ve got a few backed up for this purpose. I might be able to get on Skype too, but I can’t guarantee that.

In sum, if you don’t see me around, it’s not because I’m dead. I’m simply spending some time with the family.

Stay cool peeps"


Please… Respond to me on skype. :frowning:

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pm me your address, I forgot what it was