Knockoffs Discussion

They are forth the price of the LEGO versions. IF the plastic quality is close to it, I would definitely buy these. Anyone have these and review them for us.

If all of these sets from this site are in the same quality as the LEGO ones, they are a way cheaper alternative (hope this plastic isnt toxic or what not).

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Those are more like bootlegs than knockoffs.

As I said, LEGO products get more and more expensive, while these show that the cost is lower with the same amount of pieces. Now besides the LEGO brand and maybe even the quality of the plastic, its a way better alternative for parents that dont have money to buy their kids expensive LEGO products.

Yes it sucks, and its totally illegal, but same with Piracy, if people cant afford something or feel like they are getting jipped for less, then this is somewhat understandable.

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Even in the bootleg, Cole gets the short end of the stick

Poor guy

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This makes me want 3 in one combo packs like Irnakk to come back…

So…Hulk stole Rocka’s lion gauntlets, Iron Man took Bulk’s forearm claws, and Captain America snatched Furno’s wings…



BIONICLE minifigs.

I need those. Now.

Where did korgot?

And, I hate to say it, but the Protectors look better than the actual sets.

These are actually good knock

these are the most legit knockoffs I’ve ever seen

praise based crunch


Honestly, I can’t say that I wouldn’t buy one of these if I saw them at a store.

Not because it would fool me, but more as a novelty. They look pretty neat, and it would be cool to see how the plastic stands up to legitimate Bionicle parts.

Also, note that they actually say “Bionicle” on the packaging. This means a couple of things; Firstly, they could get in some serious trouble for this. Secondly, it seems rather odd that they’d include that, rather than some generic STAR WARRIOR MASKER esque brand name… As if having the real name would boost sales. I’m going out on a limb here, but perhaps Bionicle still has a good enough rep to sell decently under the name alone.


I cant see these as knockoffs of any kind that were placed here, these look like completely new sets where someone put effort into making.

PS: That Silver with Trans light blue protector, do want.


those look awesome…

So here we have a world cup themed KOs.

And we also have the cast of the Lego movie-plus silver surfer and Blue guy who I think is the human torch.


Does this look like the face of mercy?


Has anyone seen any knock-offs in Canada? They’re so stupid and I need them.

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We need to call the


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The faces are so much like some 11 year old’s deviantart OC.
It’s a bit uncanny.

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he needs some milk

pics or it didn’t happen

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It seems the knockoffs have started to become really good lately.


Those Mata red pieces… I NEED THEM.