Legend of Zelda Discussion

I need this. I love the strange ancient techy vibe mixed with absolute wilderness. That’s the type of stuff I want to see in an exploration game. Imagine walking through yellowstone and finding like… a laser arrow. Like, WHAT. The mystery is certainly present.


Breath of the wild looks like Zelda X shadow of the colossus X the elder scrolls + optional dogmeat.

it looks like the kind of thing that can make Yahtzee like a Nintendo game.

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Breath of the Wild looks great so far. It seems the majority of stuff I’ve seen across the internet has been really negative about it though…

From what I’ve seen, BotW looks REALLY good. 4 major dungeons is kinda a let down, but the world is so huge and expansive with so many things to do you kinda forget. Plus mini dungeons are also a thing. If I could play this I think I’d have an addiction.

@LQ1998 Most of the negativity is coming from Nintendo-only fans who can’t handle change and don’t like modernization. They’re in the minority though.

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That, and people complaining about the graphics.

So business as usual.


I don’t really know where the people are coming from in the fandom honestly, that could be it.

There’s also a lot of people who are saying this is proof the NX will be under-powered which is just idiotic.




…They do realize that this is a Wii U game, developed for the Wii U, right? This isn’t representative of what the NX is capable of. It just means that the NX is getting a port of a Wii U game.

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People are stupid honestly. It’s just like saying Twilight princess was the best the Wii could do on graphics.


Super Mario Galaxy 1/2 hold that title

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The other complaint I keep hearing is people jumping the gun and saying the world is going to be empty.


Aonuma literally stated that they left all of the NPCs and towns out for story reasons. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a lot of side quest stories given by NPCs. It’d make sense to leave them out if that’s the case.


It’s just the trend lately to assume everything Nintendo is doing is shooting them self in the foot. Granted it’s because they’ve been doing that lately.


Regardless of the mass hysteria that come with this part of the Zelda cycle, this game looks beautiful, the mechanics look quite fun and enjoyable, and I look forward to a non-linear zelda.
I’ve always liked linear Zelda, but I also enjoy things like skyrim and dark souls, so it’s cool to see Zelda branch out and try something new. (Ok, the 1st zelda was non-linear I suppose.)

Long story short, the panic is undeserved and I’m glad we FINALLY get to see something from this game. I need to get a Wii U…


So are Link To the Past and Between Worlds, sort of. :stuck_out_tongue:


It is? My apologies!
Unfortunately, I never had any nintendo handhelds, so I never played those games.
But, I guess the point still gets across :slight_smile:


lttp was on snes…

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Didnt know that and didn’t have that console either. Apologies again :stuck_out_tongue:

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Personally, though I haven’t seen a ton, this game looks really good. Both graphically (I like this art style way too much) and in general as a game. It seems interesting and like there will be a lot to discover and explore. I really hope it’s not short though, which is my only worry.

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