Lego Star Wars Constraction Figures Discussion

Sorry, I guarantee that all of those numbers are way too generous (excepting the antenna and the wristrockets).

I’m very careful about this; I don’t just make predictions on anything. I might be wrong, but I wouldn’t be 99.99% SURE if I were you. :slight_smile:

I’m sure it’s not a custom build, why would it be

and they are not “too generous” numbers since I counted them, and I missed a couple

Haha nope.

@Azani You can see that the body is hollow when looking at Boba’s picture.



why don’t you just count

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You can see all the same connection points on Boba that are used almost every time that torso is used. There is basically no need for a new custom torso, since they are used for unique functions, and unorthodox builds.

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No need to be rude about it. I obviously counted.

I wasn’t trying to be rude, but saying that you counted, and saying that my numbers are too generous seems like a contradiction, atleast for the jetpack, I’ll say I was maybe too generous with the number of pieces on the gun, the gun has atleast 17, but since I can’t see the rest I’ll leave it there

but why, just why would there be a custom body under all that?

On bobafettfanclub’s page on Instagram, there is a 360 look at Boba Fett. Nothing new, but still interesting.

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The back looks significantly better than Jango, or at least less gappy.

any links

So, to be honest, I have a lot to do today, and though I still have my reasons for being pretty sure that his torso is custom, I’m not going to push it. You seem pretty into this one, and it doesn’t really matter. Sure, you’re right. I’m getting the set tomorrow; I’ve called ahead to make sure it’s in stock. We’ll know very soon.

I can’t wait to see if either I’m wrong and lego surprised me, or if I’m right about how lazy lego is


I second this, if it’s a custom torso it’s as thin and gappy as the prefab, you can see close to the middle of the chest plate.

So did I.

I counted ~39


I count 16, but there’s probably a few on the butt we can’t make out


Not including the foot itself, 4

Looks like it

4 actually, 2 clips the harpoon and the technic piece

Not to mention the bit of technic holding the jetpack on, we’re looking at >80 pieces for the accessories + another 26 for the limbs, it could very well be custom, but it’s going to be incredibly flimsy if it is.

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right, I forgot about the liftarm

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As well as the other technic bits on the back, that’s at least another 10 pieces. And then the head and 3 shells on the torso.
That’s over 120 pieces without going into the actual skeleton of the torso to see what other technic bits are holding the back on that we can’t see.

Alright, I said that you were right. You’re overestimating by a decent amount, but I won’t fault you here - it’s not easy to get an accurate number.

so, you got it right? can we get some pictures

For you

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The video of this doesn’t expose much (and poor audio quality), but it shows that Boba Fett usage the longer CCBS torso frame: