Majestic League (RP topic)

The sand swirls around the apparently unresponsive Scrapper, harsh grains likely scratching and temporarily blinding the villain.

“Nope.” said Mark. He pulled the sword out of Scrapper’s hand as he was blinded by Salim’s sand. Then, He Sliced into his slimy tentacles.

OOC: @Khalsa721 @controller_of_ice where’s Sadie and CoI?

(OOC: Scrapper’s real tentacles only form when his armour is removed, the ones he uses most often are mechanical ones.)
IC: One of Scrapper’s tentacles rips off, the other three swarm at Mark.

Mark struggled against Scrapper’s tentacles. “Let go of me, you freak!” he shouted, bashing the hilt of his sword against Scrapper’s face.

Scrapper took the blow, but then he spoke out: “Talking of the arena earlier, I wonder what happened to your poor family? They must of been so proud of you for going down in 3 seconds. What a hero!”

“I can build, whatever this is, but I can’t make it in five minutes.”

(Ooc; so anything important going on besides fighting? I’m kinda lost after being gone.)

Lucy walks into the bank wearing her white mask with a small cloth blow glued on it. So I can pretend to be evil L… Uh. The Big L. God I need better names.

G7 walks to the bank drinking his gas. Why today of all days. I just wanted to make a deposit. I should get some more blood soon.

Scrapper’s words stabbed at Mark like daggers. Despite all of the pain and suffering he had gone through in the arena, nothing good came out of it. Mark was still haunted by the problem he tried to solve: he was never able to win the money and help his parents. And here, Scrapper was rubbing salt in the wound by reminding him of his pitiful loss. Mark was suddenly flooded with guilt, embarrassment, and above all, rage. He clutched at his head and groaned, which then became an animalistic growl. “Oh god, not now!” He yelled. His body began violantly convulsing in humanly impossible positions. His eyes transformed into those of a monster, as if his body was being ove ft aked by another being. Mark shed from his skin like a molting reptile as his body and muscles rapidly grew. A second set of arms sprouted from mark’s waist, and wolverine claws ejected from his hands. A large suit of armor formed around Mark’s body. At last, the transformed being towered above Scrapper, and everyone else in the area. He was no long Mark. He had now become Beserker. Beserker grinned savagely when he saw Scrapper. He cracked his knuckles and pulld out his warhammer-axe, prepared to give him yet another brutal beating.

OOC: @Khalsa721 the gist is, Scrapper is robbing a bank as a distraction to the heroes. Mark has also just transformed into a monster.

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Lucy heads towards the vaults, giving a peak inside, Lets grab some money. It would be nice to actually afford nice things.

Switchblade glared quizzically at the Gamemaster, as if he expected a riddle in return. When the Gamemaster didn’t respond, he rolled his eyes and glanced at Manpower before returning to try and turn one of the rusted bolts in the scrap machinery.

Mark swung his warhammer-axe into Scrapper’s body, sending him flying into a nearby wall of rubble.

“You have the potential, you just need to tap into it.” The Gamemaster suddenly said, delivering on the riddle that Switchblade had expected. “You cannot let your mind be held back by your body. I know you can do it. Just dig deep, and consentrate.”

“Are you good at figuring stuff out? Because I have more than enough hands to cover whatever you could contribute in the device’s construction.”

Runa saw Scrapper in the bank and started firing laser blasts at him.

Switchblade really wanted to growl at the Gamemaster’s comment. Fortunately for him, he didn’t.

“Sometime I’ll reminisce on that statement.” He said flatly. All his efforts had done with the bolt was to scratch it up and wear out some of his shards. With as much as a shrug that he could muster, he shuffled himself over to Manpower.

Initially extending a hand for the blueprint, he immediately retracted it. “Why don’t you lay it out.” He said, glancing at his fingers.

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Manpower duplicated himself and one of his copies held the blue print flat along ground.“Let’s take a look at this thing.” Said the other.

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Any hopes that Solomon could maybe hold back his surprise were instantly lost. It took at least five seconds for him to snap himself back into reality. He can duplicate himself. He continued to tell himself. You’re not going crazy, he just duplicated himself. Like everybody does.

“…Right.” He looked suspiciously at the two new Manpowers before focusing himself on the blueprint.

“Eh, don’t act suprised, everyone here’s got a gimmick.” The one holding the blue print stated.

The other Manpower began to sort the scattered bits of technology in an attempt to determine what would be of use to them.

“Yes, well… Now your name makes a bit more sense.” He said, glancing over different parts of the blueprint. “Of course if all our names were so literal, I might have chosen ‘paper-shredder’, or-”

“Or…” Switchblade began to lose track of the conversation immensely as his mechanical mind began following wires, conductors, motors, gears…

In a minute he had figured out the precise layout of every component of the theoretical machine. He could maybe hint at its purpose, but until it was built he had no definite idea what it was intended for.

…But he hadn’t forgotten the Gamemaster standing in the doorway. “I think I’ve got it figured out.” He said, glancing at the Manpower holding the blueprint with a cautious look. He swiveled is head to the Gamemaster.

“It’ll take about an hour to get the foundation set.” He stated, then swiveled to another Manpower, the one in the middle of the pile. “You, Manp- You! Get me three of- three of- these things!” He jabbed a finger at the blueprint, stabbing it slightly over a large 18-tooth gear.

“Already on it,” he replied digging through the junk.