Majestic League (RP topic)

Jacob was also attending the ball, in dapper dress not unlike his alter-ego’s attire not that he cared much for his secret identity anyway. He was probably playing ‘a Winter’s Ball’ in his head, though it could be unanimously agreed that unlike Aaron Burr, Jacob was not at all reliable with the ladies.

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Hydron got away from Mark “A second, I have to go to the WC”
He entered the in it and whispered to his hidden mycrofon to the Gamemaster:“When will the operation start?”

Runa peered down through the skylight. “I don’t see anything out of the ordinary yet.” He’d say, assuming the heroes had discreet earpieces so that they could communicate.

The CoI walks up to runa
“ive seen some unusually suspicious behaviour from some of the guest”
“to be precise one changed the shape of his hand. Sorta like scrapper”

“So, what are we looking at?” Manpower asked, having followed him.

Manpower was also simultaneously at the party, sampling the food, and standing around akwardly.

Lauren Nichols enters the ball, dressed in a modest gown and accompanied by a man she barely knew. He was someone from… communications? Handsome enough, she supposed, if not completely bland. At least he would stay focused on the task at hand.

A task, she seemed to remember, that had been assigned to Khan. That was how this arrangement worked: Khan did the dirty work, and she kept him on task. What, was he afraid of a little ball? She couldn’t help but find the thought amusing. A warlord like him, unable to put up with a little socializing.

Not that I can blame him, she muses, weaving her way between the guests. She recognizes the other heroes from the briefing, and does her best to avoid them. She picks out Manpower, alone and awkward. Forced to be there for a job, or just not a fan of crowds? Then there was a woman, sitting alone at the edge of the crowd. Keeping an eye on things, or resting her feet? It could be so hard to tell. She keeps moving, continuing to note a number of guests that appear abnormal in some way or another.

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Soon, Mark had already slurped down 5 drinks. “So, you haven’t really told me much about yourself yet. What were you like, back when your life was normal?”

Sure" Sadie smiled, ordering as she sat next to him

Ooc; I was thinking it might be interesting if she tries to tell mark maybe through writing?

OOC: I like that idea

IC: @Ace the Gamemaster leaned in near one of the women next to him, who was actually Dave in disguise. “I need to look around and observe the scene. Notify me if you see anything that could jeprodize the plan.”

Switchblade and Manpower had broken into Lucy’s house. She would hear a loud crashing noise downstairs.

She nods and began subtly doing so

Hydron returned to Mark and Sadie after he asked the Gamemaster when will the plan begin
OOC: answer to that, you haven’t
“I’m back” he (or should I say she?) said to them

OOC: you’ll know when it happens. It will happen soon

IC: @Khalsa721 Mark took a swig from his drink. “I have an edgy back story of mine, as well. But believe it or not, I actually used to be a normal guy. Kinda nerdy, actually.” He leaughed.

Hydron made a false giggle “tell us more…”

“Are you sure you should be getting drunk and telling your life story?” He asks as he watches from above. “This chick could be anyone.”

The Gamemaster sent a text to Sadie:

The heroes may be on to us. I need you to distract Mark.

Hydron drank a little bit " have some more!" She said getting another bottle “it’s time to have fun at this party”

Lauren can’t help but sigh. These guys don’t even know who we’re trying to protect? Amateurs.

Jacob probably wouldn’t qualify, unless a terrible fashion sense classed as sufficiently abnormal, but there he was, beady eyes scanning for unattended girls like the little creature he is.

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“You know what, what the hell!” Mark said, taking the drink. I’m sure the other heroes can handle it if something happens…
The more he drank, the more he would reveal about himself, and the more secrets he would divulge. By now, Mark had forgotten the reason he even came to this ball, and was only focused on Sadie.
The Gamemaster sent another text:
Good job with the distraction :thumbsup:

Hydron listened carefully on every word Mark said “Talk more about yourself, it’s sooo curios” Hydron tryied to make him give more information