Mass Effect Discussion

I’d also add that Control is bad because, even if the Catalyst isn’t lying, it’s wrong for one person (or entity or whatever Shepard becomes) to have that much power, no matter how wise or capable.


Aye, but you never know. The geth and EDI are all absent from the ending scenes. Shepard was only party synthetic, and Starchild never directly said he would die.
Nonetheless, Destroy definitely is the lesser of three evils.


power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

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Synthesis Husk of your parent, friend, lover, sibling or whoever now a sentient being. This is totally what I wanted from all the 3 games I spent to prevent this horror from ever happening again (which is why Synthesis is forever a NO).
Like HELL NO! Ill stay a mortal fleshling, thank you very much.


This makes me very happy.

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That makes me see red.

It’s Bioware being cheap and not cleaning up the mess the endings left.


Hey, I’d rather they cop-out of that horrendous ending, than try to play it off in some stupid way and piss off even more people.

that or make 3 entirely different games :stuck_out_tongue: (or maybe 4)

I think we’re going in circles, fellas. :stuck_out_tongue: Perhaps we should just agree to disagree.


Considering that someone had the gall to say Control and Synthesis were legitimate endings over Destroy on the Bioware forum today, I think you’re right.

What’s more, they didn’t accept that the Catalyst could’ve been lying about factors regarding the consequences there.

It’s a Reaper AI, why would it just tell you the truth?


Moving on, what do people want to see in the next game?

For me, romanceable fem turian squad mate.

It’d make up for killing Nyreen off, to start with.


Hell yeah, man. Nyreen was a great character, and raised a lot of interest for female turian squad members.
That aside, what I want the most out of this game is great characters, and character interactions. Characters are pivotal aspects of any story, and can make a great story as easily as it can break one.
Also, the developers ought to focus on improving characters’ facial animations, because Shepard was a brick throughout the entire franchise.

That being said, Mass Effect 4 as it’s being reported right now sounds pretty great. I really liked the concept of starting off as a fresh-slate of a character as opposed to the already established ■■■■■■ that was Shepard.
They’re bringing back the exploration aspect of the series, which wasn’t touched upon after ME1. The last two games were a bit too closed off, and were point A to point B cover based shooters. The open-ended feeling of actually being in alien environments, and travelling the galaxy was more or less lost. Bringing the Mako back was a good desicion on Biowares end, and would benefit the game much more than it could detract from it.

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Just so long as Andromeda is BS and the Helius Cluster is either the Local Group or behind a closed relay.

as much as I’d love to continue my thing with Tali

if I’m a new character hell yeah I agree with this

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LoL, as if.

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I’ve found it


My god, these illustrations are beautiful.


You found it!

Love this picture, but I can’t find it on DA any more.

Still, makes me wish there was a decent ME\Bionicle crossover.

The ones on FF.Net presently are…underwhelming.


Everything on is cancer.


There’re quite a few stories on there that are actually better than some published works, but in the main, no argument there.

This is coming from someone who not only frequents and reads content there, but contributes.

You’re indirectly calling my writing cancer.

Okay, I took that way too personally, but please do mind the generalisation.


Well, resurrecting this since it’s a week until E3 and hopefully something substantial regarding the next Mass Effect.

Anyone else quietly being killed by the anticipation?