Matorans Rise

Korban nodded. “Makes sense. Well, then, we shall join you… Are any of you a doctor or mechanic?”

Buki noticed the question. ”Did’nt you have some medical skills?” He asked Coral.

Coral nodded. “A few. I’ll see what I can do. Is there a hut that I can work in?”

”Mine will work just fine.” Said Hina.

Inside the hut, there was a desk, a simple bed and a big telescope, with a map of the stars beside it. ”You see, i am an astrologer.”

“Interesting. Does anybody have a stick or rod? A thick one would do well.”


”Fine.” Hina said and put some widgets in Corals hand. ”Go and see if you can buy something suitable.”

Coral left the but and found a shop selling some protodermis rods. She bought one and came back. She started to tinker with it.

Malekai came over to Coral. “Watch’a doing?”

“I’m working on a prosthetic for Hino. He and his friend will help us afterwards.”

“Could I help?”

Coral nodded.

Radrix headed to a blacksmith to repair the damage in his rake

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Tangi looks around the village.

He would see several platforms, connected by bridges. A few huts resided in each platform, some of them homes and others shops.

Buki was walking around and talking to the locals.

“Now this is nice…” Radrix grinned looking at his sharpened weapon

Coral finished the prosthetic and attached it to Hino’s leg. “There. That should be good.”

She walks outside of the hut and calls the group together.

Radrix got to coral as well as Taki “So do we go?” Taki asked

Coral nodded. “Yeah, as soon as everybody gathers around.”

As the Matorans in the treetops were going about their day, something was gathering below…