
The point is that 4 years and no name changes…
and finally…
we can change our names!

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Which is basically only useful if you don’t like your name.

But still! It’s a cool thing!

I suppose…

Well, to me, since I’ve been playing for 4 years, it’s an amazing thing. Especially because I had a stupid name. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been stuck with ChroOmega for years. People keep calling me Omega and Chrome and Choo and whatever. Gonna ditch the Omega now. XD


Well then, it would be good to be able to change it. Mine is Gresh113, which I use everywhere anyway, so I think I’ll keep it.

Anyone else exited for update 1.9?

-Edited for double post- Var

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Changed mine from ShadeHedgehog to Shadezy :smiley:

Also, the original player UUID still remains, so don’t worry, server owners, your banned players aren’t coming back anytime soon :slight_smile:


I am currently working on a model of the Great Spirit Robot


I wish you the best of luck man.

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Cool! The chest looks a lot like that new armor piece. Though it’s probably vice versa.

I would be happy to test it

Also I play on a private, whitelisted server called Spycraft. It only has five spots and I was one of the founding members. Every Weekend My friends, Spy_Guy1 and Star_fighter89/Sparky02187 go on the server and Mineplex and do stuff and yell at each other and other users for hacking, ya know, like what friends do

Haha… wow, that’s an old project.
I’ve realized that I can’t actually get any Minecraft projects done so there’s no complete version, and never will be. But there’s a neat map and some cool command mechanics that I might put up for download some day.

So I got into Minecraft in about 2012. I usually play Vanilla with only the TooManyItems and MineLittlePony mods. (though I got rid of the latter recently) I’ve made a fair few things; one of these days I will go back through it and take screenshots to post here. Some highlights:
-A six-story pyramid built in a friend’s Realm just recently. Interior needs work but the exterior is pretty much done.
-A WIP TARDIS with non-euclidean geometry utilizing teleporter Command Blocks; I’m almost done with the the Library/Swimming pool.
-A PVP map featuring a convoluted subway system and exploding towers that players need to active to score; eventually abandoned because the restone circuits wouldn’t update properly, but the buildings are pretty impressive. I may try to recreate it on a smaller scale.


I got into MC around 2011, I played on the Addstar server for a long time and have had my own private server a few times.
I don’t play that often, but I’m a big fan of the Super hostile maps made by our lord and saviour Vechs.


Nowadays I mostly just play PVP stuff - generally on PlayMindcrack (for Camelot/PowerJuice/Blackbeard), rarely on Badlion (since they removed archer unranked), and… basically never anywhere else.
I’ve reached a level of skill in PMC Blackbeard that could probably be deemed “worst of the best” (the best being the group calling ourselves the Blackbeard Cult 2.0) - I know what I’m doing in PVP, know exactly how to be excellent at it, but can’t because of my computer (which essentially makes it impossible for me to melee properly).
I theoretically like to play UHCs but don’t have the patience for the caving aspect.
As for non-PVP stuff, I start and never finish a huge amount of maps in single-player creative worlds. A lot of them. If I completed even half of the projects I’d started and never completed, I’d be more prolific than Vechs. :P
Luckily I’ve been able to get my crap together and have very nearly got one map done, a simple PVP thing to play with the Blackbeard Cult. Ironically the map began as a Bionicle PVP project, which I screwed up almost all of the command blocks, prompting me to erase all traces of Bionicle influence. Fun.
Yep. Rant done.


I love this game.
But it gets boring after 5 minutes.


nope not if you play on servers

It gets especially boring if you play on servers.


I play on a private server with all of my friends so its never boring