New Great Beings

Hi Greg,

This question is about how new Great Beings come into being.

Do Great Beings have children, and does this always result in the birth of another super-intelligent Great Being? Is it the case that Great Beings always have Great Being children, and regular Glatorian always have non-Great Being children? Or was the creation of the Great Beings a one-time thing that does not get passed down through the generations?


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Well, we know Great Beings are part of the Glatorian species, so their children would come into the world the same way Glatorian children do. I’ve always seen Great Beings as genius Glatorian, so their children would most likely be exposed to much greater educational opportunities than other children and be more likely to follow in their parents’ path someday.


Interesting. I have a couple of follow-ups, then:

  1. Is the reason that the Great Beings are so advanced just that they have naturally higher intelligence, or does it have more to do with having accumulated a great deal of scientific progress? Can a regular Glatorian become a Great Being through study?

  2. Why is there a division between Great Beings and plain old Glatorian at all? Why aren’t all of them super-intelligent?



1a) I see it as natural intelligence and affinity for science
1b) Theoretically

  1. Why aren’t all humans Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking?
  1. That makes sense, but Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking did not go off on their own and start an exclusive society of geniuses that ruled the planet. Why do the Great Beings not live among the rest of the Glatorian? There has always seemed to be a strict separation between Great Beings and non-Great Beings.

Some more follow-ups:
3) Did regular Glatorian ever have a child who was naturally born with the intelligence of a Great Being? Would that child join the Great Beings?
4) Did Great Beings and non-Great Beings ever have children together?


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  1. No, they went to work at universities where they were surrounded by other smart people like themselves.
  2. No idea. We really didn’t think in terms of the ranks of Great Beings expanding.
  3. Doubt it. We know GBs had interactions with Agori, but I don’t recall any mention of other Glatorian working with the GBs directly, so can’t see how they would have met to form relationships.

Didn’t Periditus work with Velika?