Ninjago Movie Discussion (and Speculation) Topic

what did it do to lego movie 2?

you remember how people thought lego movie 1 was a cashgrab and then it turned out to be good?


Oh i see

the movie played it safe the entire way and it sucked arse, even if it was bloated like a michael bay movie or a jj abrams flick it would be more entertaining than this mess of a movie that doesn’t know if it wants to be small or big and can’t even climax right.

hell, that might’ve been better: a ninjago movie where these six teens are trapped in this messy corporate screenwriting experiment and trying to retain their identity; might work with the “find your place” theme thingy. you can’t stuff mechs and a journey and this cyberpunk theme this close together and expect it to work, so maybe embrace the chaos? idunno

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Hey. Has anyone tried remaking the garmadon mech to look accurate

Which one? The shark mech, or the Garma Mecha Man?

The one he uses to take over. So I’m guessing the garma mecha

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Really, either one would be a pretty big job to recreate…