Okotan Adventures: Spider Saga

Vladin asked at what hour will be the meeting and where.

“We’ll meet here an hour and a half before sunrise.” Icar told Vladin.

Vladin nodded, as he left their house, waving goodbye and thanking for the food.

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“Rest well, for tomorrow shall bring many adventures.” Icar said with a humorous tone.

“Will do!” he said, leaving their street, heading to Blaze’s house.

Dax and Capella follow, mostly keeping to themselves.

Rena’s group could see the end of the forest in front of them. The trees were slowly transcending into bushes and the grass under them was slowly becoming shorter and shorter, as the five were approaching the central mountains of the island.

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Blaze kept close to the group and on alert.

Rena continued walking as more and more mountains cliffs could become visible.

Streke stood up and walked over to the rock, then looked back at his spot.

When he looked back, he could see a blue silhouette jumping off one window.

Streke blinked.
“What? What’s she doing here?” He ran to the window and looked out.

He would not recognise Athena, unless he retained the image of her leg, which was the only part that could be properly seen when she jumped off the window. By the time Streke arrived at the window, Athena was already far away, in a crowd of other Okotoans.

Streke shook his head.
“I must be seeing things.” He sat back down and polished his shield some more.


After Athena got convinced that Streke was not following her for the third time, she started asking the Okotoans from the group if they saw Ekimu.

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Blaze followed Rena and the group.

Dakron, even further behind, tripped on a root. He got back up and turned, not knowing where to go.

Blaze looked for Dakron, hoping he hadn’t fallen too far behind.

He’d see Dakron far behind, standing cluelessly.

Blaze called out to Dakron as he ran to help him return to the group.