Okotan Adventures: Spider Saga

Icar looked confused, “Why tomorrow?” He asked.

“Because… It’s getting late?”
OOC: It’s stil morning.

“We’ve not been out that long.” Icar said, he started to give Vladin that look parents give when they start detecting bullcrap.

“Man! We came here expecting an archeological site! Instead, we found a bunker! What if we return home, prepare some more appropriate stuffs, and then return?”

“May I see the map?” He asked.

Vladin slowly put the book on the table without making any noise, hoping that Icar did not noticed the movement. Then he gave him the map from the bag.

Icar looked over it and then angled it so Vladin could see, “This is Blaze’s handwriting.” He said.

“It is? I thought it was… Tekan’s!”

Icar sees the book on the table and reaches out to open it.

“Where did you find the map?” He asked.

“That’s my journal!” Vladin said, taking it.

Icar repeats his previous question about the map.

“In the jungle. When I came into the city.”

“Then why is Blaze’s handwriting on it?” He asked as he looked around the lab’s workshop.

“I don’t know. The reason why I came to you is because I wanted to see what this lab is about.”

“And, from your observations, what theories do you have?” He asked, curious to see what Vladin had to say.

“That… Blaze is… Working for Tekan?”
He said at random.

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“And what here tells you that Tekan is part of this?” He asked.

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“He had a lot of history with banned masks.”

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OOC: This is all true.


@Jcton Skipper cautiously walk toward Tsim krad as it approached in the Horizon. A surge of accomplishments went through his body as he got closer to his goal even if he wasn’t sure why he was going there. A named echoed in the back of his head supposedly it was her he was going to met. He didn’t know how they were acquainted but a part of him told him that they just were.

@Ghid Tarkur and Era continued flying towards the water region and Era’s old hotel.

Reige was still searching for more negative emotions to consume he had regained his normal strength but he wanted more before continuing his mission.

Virky took the coat out of Domau’s hand as he entered the hallway with it, “You sure is in a hurry aren’t you?” Domau teasingly asks, in response he received a stern and slightly annoyed expression from her as she left opening the door and quickly closing it behind her with the sandwich in her mouth. She quickly walked towards the village she was assigned to this week. Even though she was late she began working immediately and tried to avoid the other workers since they would have totally called her out for it. Something her shyness had a hard time dealing with.