Okotan Adventures: Spider Saga

“Are you a brick?” The Lord of the Undying Storm said, somewhat surprised. “I already mentioned his intended arrival. By Okoto, I will be well pleased when he does arrive and I have to put up with you no longer.”

It was evident some of the Storm’s played-up attitude and his real irritation were starting to intertwine. “What do you do to keep mentally engaged? Watch cows eat grass?”

“I kinda understand now why your family hates you. OK, I made a mistake and I wasn’t hearing you when you said that he’s coming. So what? Do you really have to act like that?”

“No.” Blaze said, “We use our imaginations, maybe read or stargaze or even converse with each other.”

“You should meet my sister.” He grumbled. “Also, yes. My required presence here doesn’t mean I have to like it.”[quote=“BlackBeltGamer98, post:3333, topic:47931”]
“We use our imaginations, maybe read or stargaze or even converse with each other.”

The Lord of the Undying Storm glanced partially out from under the brow of his helmet to look at the starry sky in mild interest. It actually got him to shut up for a solid fifteen seconds as he had forgotten how beautiful the night sky really was. It still failed to compare to the sky over the region of Ice, which whipped the colours of the atmosphere around like a swirling cauldron, a filter with which the stars and galaxies were enhanced beyond comprehension.

“Dull.” He looked back down at Blaze, unamused. “My sister would spend her time torturing people. I can’t see how she could stand someone being that loud and that close.”

“Doesn’t mean you have to despise it either.”

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The Lord of the Undying Storm tried - and failed - to retain a smile. “Well, maybe there are enjoyable aspects to it.”

Like how you people seem to have no cap to your stupidity. He glanced at the fire, glad he was as far away from it as he was. It stings to be around those wisps of plasma. How could anyone actually like something like that?

“He’s short and stocky… and he’s from the region of stone. He also carries a scythe.”

“Dull as it may be, I sometimes find it relaxing.” Blaze told him as he took a short look at the night sky.

Hitora and Keya follow Vohman, Hitora being eager to get to their destination.

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@meepinater “Okay.” Tarkur says giving a thumps up as he continues looking.

Kryuna nodded to the others, and began to trail the group, trying her best to stay stealthy.
OOC sorry for the late response, Ive been pretty swamped lately. Also, I have 200 unread messages in the OOC PM, is any of that important, or is it just the usual banter?


Vladin sat down on the sofa and straightened his legs. He looked at the two kids.

Both Athena and Rena were silent, behind their respective groups.

The children smiled and waved hello before Korā called for everyone to come to dinner.

Blaze just sat by the fire, staring into it as he sorta zoned out into his thoughts.

At first, Vladin seemed hesitant, before following.

The meal was quiet but delicious as they all ate.

After dinner, the kids were sent to bed.

Vladin also stood up and attempted to go to the sofa.

Gladius followed close at Vohman’s heels, doing his best to keep up, and making sure to glance back every few seconds to make sure the Collected was somewhere in tow.

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@jayzor17 @Axels

The patrol group enters the local pub and seem quite friendly with the locals.

Seeing as the entrance to Tsim Krad was mostly underground, Skipper would mostly find the local wildlife to be the best disguises around, lest he were to use the guards as his disguise.

@BlackBeltGamer98 @Ghid
Dax watches the titan, mainly due to his instincts of once being a guardsman.

Capella seemed less talkative than what she was earlier and decided to poke at the ground drawing aimless shapes.

Melody looks at the bar and looks back at Xol who was slightly behind her,
“Come on let’s go in.”

Sonata would continue her journey now somewhere in the Fire Region, heading north west towards the Earth Region.

Erebos gets closer and notices a fire in the distance. He could either see the smoke if it was day or the light if it was night. Erebos decides to hide behind a rock, deciding what to do first or if he should go ahead of whoever this was and go into the Black Crater before they do.

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Erebos might see a a very large figure step in front of the blazing light and start heading towards the lip of the crater.

“Well,” The Lord of the Undying Storm said, getting up with some difficulty. “Since we have some time, I haven’t actually seen the crater before. And from where I am currently I still can’t.”

He stepped around the fire, scowling at it maliciously, and began walking towards the crater’s lip.

Blaze followed the Elemental Lord to keep an eye on The Storm.

“It’s not a lot aside from being a black crater filled with water.” Blaze said.