Okoto in Minecraft (Map/Experiment) UP FOR DOWNLOAD!

Where it should be.

That’s… Highly unlikely at this point. I can’t model at all.

Have you tried reskinning/retexturing things in general? I think it would be a nice touch. Maybe some custom-skinned armour for the skullies :smile:

Is there a way to respawn the masks at the shrines?

I meant where is it cords wise? I’ve searched the entire region of water and haven’t found the ■■■■ thing! pls help me…

also no need for you to model… there are thousands out there i’m sure there is one for the map!

There should be; I tried to make a mechanism. Unfortunately, You can’t run command blocks in unloaded chunks.

Ah. Apparently the masks all despawned after I died.

Is there a way to get them back if they despawn?

anyone know the Coordinates for Bingzak? i wanna hug him…

how do the masks work? I mean stone worked just fine but every other one is not working…

Scroll up about 6 posts and you’ll see a full description of every masks’ power and how to use them.

The masks of fire and earth are kind of finicky right now, unfortunately. I’ll have them working 100% of the time in the next release.

alright! But so far Only stone and Water work,How long do I have to sneak for Ice? Like seconds? and for air I’m just have to Sprit over and over agin?

Ice takes a relatively long time, but once you’ve maxed out, you can keep the shield up by sneaking periodically. It should become active after about 20 seconds. Additionally, you’ll know it’s working if you see snow particles around you while you’re sneaking.

For air, you’ll speed up as you sprint until you reach max, which then gives you jump boost. You have to sprint without stopping to charge it up. Due to the terrain, it’s kind of difficult in some regions… Ironically, the jungle region being one of them. I’d take it to the desert and practice there.

Ok,Thanks! Another Question: What dose the mask of Shielding do that was found in the Enderchest?

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Gar, you should add Skull Basher in as one of the fights.

So I just finished reading through this. I have two ideas:

  1. Scorpio could (I think) be done using armor stands riding spiders.
  2. As far as the fenced terrace argument, have you tried using cobble/mossy walls? (I know they don’t have gates but maybe it would work better)

Oh… I didn’t mean to put the mask of shielding- or anything for that matter in the Ender Chest. It’s actually located somewhere in the map.

It has protection 10, which makes it stronger than a diamond helmet.

He’s there. You’ll just have to run into him :wink:

Scorpio’s not happening. The spider would retain its head, thus making the whole thing look awkward.

As for the fences, that’s a possibility. I might experiment with changing that for the next update.

Well, here’s the thing… You can go to the spawn chunk(where the canister is) and click on the command blocks with the masks on them. I’ll have to double check the coords, however.

That said, the next update will include a mask forging system by which you can forge the masks for yourself, so I’d just hold off until I come out with that version.

The next update is aimed to be much more playable than the current one; all of the mask issues should be fixed and the forge system will be included. The inclusion of LoSS, skull spiders, and RoSS content should make it worthwhile too.

Well i’m looking forward to it, you’ve done such a great job already! also would it be possible to make villagers on this map? like you have the skull warriors, could you make okotion villagers that just walk around near a village?

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You could do this in 1.9 using the /scoreboard command to give mobs teams (and then include all players in one team)

Maybe you could make villiagers turn hostile if you kill one.

keeping them near a villiage however is nigh impossible

There’s a number of issues with this idea(which are primarily why I haven’t done so already). First of all, I only have the mobs included with minecraft to work with. If I make them skeletons, they’ll be too tall and have skinny arms. If I make them baby zombies, they’ll have odd proportions and perpetually-extended green arms.

And then, of course, there’s this issue

Trust me, I wish I could. It would be fantastic if Mojang would just add a straight up NPC mob, but I don’t foresee that happening any time soon.

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How and where would I run into him?

Assuming he hasn’t already been spawned and gotten lost, the landing on the stairs in front of the forge.