Peiratís; Pirates of the Sandy Sea

“I’ll go,” said a massive bald man, holding a long saber.

“It’s energy to put it lightly.”

Lourne walked off the ship and began making his way toward one of the more notable libraries in the city. What little off time he got, he usually spent it reading, and brushing up on strategies.

There was a large one by the sentinel

Barus drew himself into a defensive stance, though one that seemed more about moving around an attacking for instead of staying relatively in the same spot and simply blocking. “Alright.” He says. Well, this’ll be a challenge. Good. I like challenge.

Eolas nods. “Thank you. Anything else you’d like of me?”

Lourne walked in and picked out a few books chronicling certain key battles that the Imperium had fought, and nestled down in a corner of the library, and read as the time ticked by.

“not at the moment.”

“You first,” offered the large pirate

Lourne might find one battle of interest, 100 years ago when the triumvirate personally fought the pirate king, though a lot of the details would seem mythical however, rather then factual.

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Barus flipped his weapon out to his side and ran at the man.

Eolas nods. “Alright then. Thank you.” He said. He starts to go, then he stops. “Um, might I ask where you will be keeping me?” He asked. “I’d like to know where I should retire to.”

He was intrigued by the tale, but waved it off as merely legend.

The man readied his blade.

Cious looked at Carus, who simply nods, “this way.”

There was also the pirate occupation of refinery 1, this was more believable
OOC: my apologies for the late response, I was busy today

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Barus comes in with a slash in towards his body, mainly at the waist.

He quickly blocked it

He then came at the other side with a quick whack from the blunt end.

Eolas followed Carus.

Caught off guard the pirate stumbled backwards, before swinging at Barus from the left, switching something on the hilt of his own blade as he did so

Barus tried to deflect the strike downwards with the blade of his naginata, then travel up be his arm, towards the pirate’s neck.

When the blades hit the saber shattered, revealing itself to be in fact a whip, a whip that entangled Barus’ own blade

He would pull the blade down and back towards behind him. Then, using the inherent length of a polearm weapon, would jab at the pirate’s face with the blunt end of the weapon that now faced him.

It hit and the pirate toppled backwards

Barus’ face would be one of surprise and concern. “Are you alright?” He asked, keeping his distance in case it was a facade.

“yeah, a good fight that was, name’s Dius, by the way.”

“Barus.” He answers, offering a hand to help him up. “And I agree. Thank you for helping me train.”